CBS FakeJournalist Weijia Jiang (the female Jim Acosta) tries to make every story about her, and has a record of lying to get attention. Examples include claiming: Trump used the n-word on tape, someone in the Trump administration called the coronavirus the “kung flu” to her face. During a press conference claimed that Trump had botched testing so he could open up the economy (which wasn't about lives or jobs lost, depression, suicides, etc), in response to why the lives were being lost Trump retorted, "ask China" -- and She pretended he'd only said that because she was Chinese. Even other left wing reporters (except CNN who ran with the lie) admitted Weijia was out of line.
- 2018.08.15 Claimed that Trump used the n-word on tape, until challenged to provide it... then it became hypothetical. [1]
- 2020.03.18 Claimed that someone in the Trump administration called the coronavirus the “kung flu” to her face, when challenged she refused to say who so it could be investigated/corrected. [2]
- 2020.05.12 Outdid herself and got backlash by claiming that Trump personally:
- delayed widespread testing to cover-up the extent of the coronavirus, so that he could open the economy.
- was trying to open the economy for political reasons -- not the 30M Americans that lost their jobs, were struggling to pay bills or dealing with increased depression, substance abuse and suicides. [3]
- only cared about testing and not the lives being lost.
- In response to her attack-question about why so many lives are being lost, Trump replied "that's a question you should ask China". Jiang implied that Trump only said that because she was Chinese. Even other left wing reporters (except CNN, who tried to sensationalize it) admitted Weija was way out of line, it's not all about her. Trump has been attacking China on this for weeks.
Weijia Jiang is an embarrassment to CBS News, assuming they want to look at all like a credible News organization. CNN said "Hold my beer", and ran Chyrons and talk specials about how Trump was attacking a Chinese Correspondent for being Chinese (rolls eyes).
CBS isn't usually quite as overtly biased as NBC/MSNBC, but they that's like saying he was a polite rapist (of the truth). Still, they have quite a few embarrassing cases, where if they had any journalists running things, or fact checkers, the stories would not have run as they did. And they immediately would have fired some of their reporters that reported such disinformation.
Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well in a Sharyl Attkisson TedTalk on FakeNews. While our media has always had false narratives and bad stories that are Fake News (exampled include: Edward R. Murrow's "See it now" McCarthy'ing Joe McCarthy (1954), Richard Jewel story (1996), story about a plane crashing into Camp David after 9/11 (2001), Duke LeCross Rape Case (2014), Michael Brown and 'hands up, don't shoot' narrative (2014), and so on). We didn't use the term "Fake News", just liberal media bias or incompetence, but it's been around since the first liberal got sloppy or partisan at a newspaper, somewhere back in Roman times.
Then on September 13, 2016 Hillary Clinton supporters Google and Eric Schmidt, used a shell charity (a non-profit called "First Draft,") to start seeding the term to attack right wing websites ("to tackle malicious hoaxes and fake news reports"). Hillary Clinton and her surrogate David Brock of Media Matters admitted in a campaign letter that they pressured Facebook to join the effort. Google warned Conservative websites to remove stories that Google didn't like, or they'd take away their ad revenue. And Barack Obama and the liberal media followed along, regurgitating what they were told: none were going to let this opportunity (to curate what information we could see) go to waste, all in the name of protecting free speech. All coincidentally done at the same time, in what could only be a coordinated campaign attack.
Unfortunately for them, it backfired when people noticed that the mainstream liberal media made more errors and was less honest, and started throwing it back in their face. Fake News applied more to the News, Google, Facebook, Obama and other curators and finger pointers than their victims. Donald Trump used that to hijack the term and use it back against them. The left tried to change the narrative and pretend that Trump had created the term, and they wanted to stop using it and claimed it was a hateful term and an attack on free press to point out the Presses bias or errors. And that's where we are today.
Is Trump a racist?
Let's start by reviewing what words actually mean:
Racism - ray•se•zem. noun: the belief that ALL members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Not-racism: Racism isn't dating, employing and marrying foreigners, or being a loudmouthed douche, it's not insulting an individual because you don't like them (even based on race, or something they said/did): that's just a personal attack. Those might be insensitive, but words have actual meanings. Mexicans aren't a race. Islam is not a race. The border wall or getting tough on illegal immigration isn't racism. It certainly wasn't labelled that when Bill and Hillary were for it. It's not winning awards for racial inclusiveness, hugging and hanging out with celebrities of other races, nor celebrating other races with monuments. So there's actually no real evidence of his Trump's racism, but lots of evidence of the self-deluded bias of his detractors, and the gullibility of their followers who repeat accusations without understanding them..