Trump FakeNews

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Here's a few highlights (70 of 100's) where the leftist media has gotten stories about Trump wrong. The Press enjoyed and abused their monopoly on the megaphone. There's an old adage, “never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel.” The Press resents that Trump is willing to argue, and win. They resent being called Fake News because they know they've gotten caught: lowering standards, using lies of exaggeration, lies of omission, bias, and outright falsehoods. And so they take his bait, and more often than not, prove him right. They aren't journalists anymore, they're DNC propagandists -- and Trump is the one pointing out that the emperor is lacking clothes.

FakeNews (Junk News or yellow journalism) is when legitimate stories or facts are suppressed, journalistic standards aren't adhered to, half truths are told, or a narrative spun to where the story becomes misleading or false. Think: manufactured crises, hoaxes, clickbait (sensational teasers/headlines with buried facts), bias or selective fact-checking, anonymous or paid sources, minor stories obscuring more significant news, delaying or ignoring newsworthy events, are all forms of FakeNews. Most retractions or corrections are evidence of shoddy standards and/or editorial bias creating FakeNews.

FakeNews : 70 items

Trump:Animal-gate - Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims complained about the violent gang known as MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha), and Trump replied to that with "These aren't people. These are animals." So the NYT and other far-left Press outlets reported this as Trump said illegal immigrants are animals (and removed the context). It was a stellar example of FakeNews and far-left bias.

Trump's sexual assaults - List of women who claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them: E. Jean Carroll, Jessica Leeds, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Melinda McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Jessica Drake, Ninni Laaksonen, Summer Zervos, Juliet Huddy, Alva Johnson, and Cassandra Searle. Most of them are not credible, and the media that reported them were reporting on FakeNews to try to swing an election (as proven how differently they write about Democrats sexual assault accusations, or how many stories they suppressed despite more evidence).

Trump and 60 Minutes - FakeNews CBS 60 minutes, infamous for Dan Rather's discredited Bush National Guard smear right before his second term election, did it again. They attacked Trump and falsely tried to fact check him and do a smear piece, with Leslie Stahl having a hostile authoritative interview claiming “we can't just let you say false things”, while they sat on their hands while Joe flat out lied about the laptop and Kamala Harris told 4 known lies in a single reply, to no challenges/follow-ups.

Trump Rally Violence - There's claims that Trump advocated violence at his rally's -- but that's not the whole context. Here's the facts: Hillary and the Democrats paid violent protestors to go to Trump Rally's and make scenes or beat people up. Trump said in his sloppy ways that if one of his protestors punched a guy in the face (who had first assaulted other people) or roughed them up on the way out (after they had assaulted other people) that he'd pay their legal bills. Fake News and Fake Fact Checkers omitted the context and claimed that Trump urged violence at his rally's. No, he urged defense and counter-violence against paid violent thugs that the Democrats put in his rally's, and omitting that context is a lie of omission. Defense against paid antifa thugs, isn't advocating for violence, and it isn't racist since the majority of them are white.

Transgender Ban - If you have seen the headlines claiming that President Biden reversed President Trump's "transgender Military ban", then you have been duped by FakeNews and leftist propaganda. This lie has already permeated the left's alternate reality where we'll be arguing it for years, and the facts will only irritate them.
  • From the 1960s until about 2012: People with “current or history of psychosexual conditions, including but not limited to transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism, and other paraphilias” were barred from enlisting in the military.
  • In 2008 Obama stuffed the pork-laden Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act with a diversity and inclusion "Studies", and in 2012 President Obama’s secretary of defense (Ash Carter), under the cover of their FakeScience recommendations, announced that while while other paraphilias would be banned from military service those transgenders currently serving would be allowed to continue serving. New enlistment remained prohibited.
  • One year into the Trump administration (2018), a policy was enacted briefly allowing transgender enlistments (adding not removing liberties), but Secretary of Defense Mattis quickly qualified that policy with a restriction that “transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria — individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery — are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances." They continued to allow people who are already serving openly to remain, as well as any who would serve “in accordance with their birth gender.”
  • The media misreported it as a ban. That's not a ban. That was an INCREASE in diversity, and even trans diversity, but putting a cap on how serious a disorder could still effectively serve, as that wouldn't do anything to help military effectiveness, and would stick taxpayers with large bills (≈$132,000 per surgery). Without this, anyone that wanted could enlist, get the surgery at taxpayers expense, then drop out once recovered.
  • In 2019, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that the policy is not a “ban” because “not all transgender persons seek to transition to their preferred gender or have gender dysphoria.”
What really happened is, “Biden orders military to pay for gender reassignment surgeries, and take on the severely mentally ill". Remember the facts that post-op transexuals have extremely high suicide rates, depression and other emotional issues, require extensive therapy, and many regret the surgery and would take it back if they could. I think these people deserve compassion, but we probably shouldn't be recruiting them to give them weapons (to the point some might have their fingers on the triggers of our Nuclear arsenal), all in the name of wokeness. You can be excluded from the military for a variety of physical or mental variations (weight, height, substance abuse, education, bad finances, earrings (ear gauges), tattoos, criminal record, and so on)... but if you want to stick Uncle Sam with your gender reassignment surgery and make the military liable for any hysterical outbursts that hurt others, Biden is all for it.

Scampeachment 2.0 - This Scampeachment 2.0 is where the Democrats and their media promised to impeach Trump from before he was in office, and kept floating Trial balloons on what he should be guilty of. Most fell flat, but a Fake Quid-Pro-Quo got a partisan vote in the house and yawns in the Senate. Then the Chewbacca taking selfies with Pelosi's podium was something they thought they could pin on him. And for the emotion, irrational, and those not paying attention, it could persuade them. If by persuade we mean not change their mind in the slightest on what they already believed: that Trump is Satan. So they rushed a case through the house without any evidence, witnesses, defense or even a good basis for impeachment formed -- because they wanted the charade that "he was still in office" while impeached. Then they stalled sending it to the Senate, so they wouldn't have to face any critical thinkers or scrutiny and the Senate control switched to Democrats and they could go full Kangaroo court. A summary of the evidence wouldn't be enough to convince a Cambodian roadside hit squad that they had a case. Let's go through it.

Scampeachment - This impeachment (scampeachment/shampeachment) is where the Democrats and their media impeached Trump because they don't like him or his politics, spun the facts around like a centrifuge, misinformed anyone that listened to them -- and despite their best efforts to Kavanaugh Donald Trump, the lost big time: both with the law, and with voters, and it will go down in history as an embarrassing time for the country. The mainstream medias coverage was 100% biased in favor of the Democrats, but the informed and critical thinkers could see through that.

Racist attack on The Squad -
Trump insults the fab-4 of Anti-Americanism: the far left progressive caucus that's going to get him re-elected. His quip against their (freshmen Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley) constant dishonest rants about how bad America is, and how great everywhere else is, is the age old comment, "you should go fix there first", only he added "and then come back and show us how it's done". Idiots like AOC pretended that this was about race and that Trump didn't know where they were from and was telling all people of her kind to get out. It was more personal/targeted than that. FakeNews outlets like CNN propagated the lie in their headline and omitted key context. But anyone who read his tweets knew better, which is why CNN intentionally didn't link to the source. CNN's pundits made the same claim about Melania, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (before and after Trump): proving either CNN is racist, or this kind of attack is normal fare in politics and on CNN. Only when Republicans do it, it's racist. Pelosi escalated to try to create a resolution condemning these xenophobic tweets (rolls eyes), this is all to cover for the anti-American sentiments of the freshman democrats.

Obamanomics v Trumponomics - Democrats and their media hate history, because history is so seldom on their side. When you can't win with the facts then you need to either: (a) attack the source (b) distort the facts (c) change the subject (d) or just find an excuse to go away. A perfect example of this is comparing the economics of Obama versus Trump. During Obama, the economy was resoundingly bad that Obama and the Press both blamed Bush for it, or cooked the numbers to try to convince you it wasn't as bad as it seemed. After 8 years of malaise (with a few warm years in the middle), Trump took office, and the economy took off like a rocket, exactly like he'd predicted. Since the Press can't let the facts stand for themselves, they trying to revise history to pretend that this is because of Obama. Let's dive into the facts...

Mean Trump kills Jimmy Al-Daoud - The tweets and headlines seemed to imply "Jimmy Al-Daoud, a Chaldean Christian who lived in US since 6 months old and diabetic, was deported to Iraq by @ICE in June. In Iraq he was homeless and didn't know the language. He just died on the streets of Iraq. This is complicity in genocide." Many pointed to Trump and his policies. The facts? Jimmy was schizophrenic, a repeat violent felon (20+ convictions), and an illegal, and the crimes were why he was deported. Oh, and this following the law signed by Bill Clinton, that was also enforced by Barack Obama, so is nothing new. We can argue whether we should be the mental institution for every violent schizophrenic in the world -- but the point is the way the story is presented is completely dishonest. Taking refugee status from violent people is going to mean some of them come to violent ends, but the alternative is they commit violent acts here and hurt innocent Americans -- so the issue is far more complex than you get from FakeNews outlets that reported this.

Lysolgate -
After a COVID briefing on how to kill COVID w/UV light and disinfectants, Trump made a passing comment to the presenter about using these ideas in vitro (in the body). That was all. The Press lost their nut, and was claiming he's trying to get people to breathe drain cleaner or shoot Lysol into their veins or something. You can't make this up.
  1. The idea of using UV light or disinfectants in the body is the basis for much of medicine like Chemotherapy, blood scrubbing, and UV blood treatment was studied for SARS.
  2. As Scott Adams put it, how stupid do you have to be to (a) not know that (b) think the President suggested people go out and mainline Lysol, like they reported? Or run with a story before asking what he meant, and so on.
  3. They started piling FakeNews on top of this FakeNews, by pretending that there was a spike in poisonings because of this statement. Yes, poisonings were up year-over-year, but not week-over-week or day-over-day. Ever since the lockdown, poisonings had been up. Which is a statement against the lockdown, but the Press screwed that angle up (by not noticing or mentioning it).

Is Trump racist for building a wall? - A: It could be, depending on your motives. If your motive is that you think all latinos are inferior to whites, and that's why you want to keep them out, then it could be racism. When FDR started it, or Bill/Hillary Clinton's campaigned on it (calling it a fence), or Obama demanded better border security, the Democrats didn't call it racism. In order to show it is racism, you'd need to show that Mexicans are a race, and that Trump doesn't like the entire Mexican people. But racists don't usually hire, hug Mexican voters, and celebrate lowering latino unemployment. Anyone who cares, knows that Trump is fine with legal immigrants (though probably less so than I am), just not illegal immigration. So unless you have evidence against the more likely scenarios, assuming the worst shows the bigotry of the accuser more than the accused. But that won't stop/slow the media left from doing it. This article going into some of the hypocrisy and history of "building the wall".

Dr. Seuss is racist -
The media/left was titillated when an elementary school librarian rejected Melania Trump's gift of several Dr. Suess books with a condescending letter claiming it was, "racist propaganda". The same hypocrites forgot that President and Michelle Obama read these books to children... on multiple occasions. Jesse Jackson did the same. The librarian had no authority to reject the donations, and was told by the school district to stop political grandstanding. The rejection was national news, these corrections weren't newsworthy... and that tells you all that you need to know about the media's credibility.

Carpe Donktum.jpg
Carpe Donktum - A twitterer (Carpe Donktum) summed up the state of Twitters leftist outrage mob by imagining Trump tweeting the picture of a horse, and how various outlets would respond:
  • MAGA: This is the most beautiful Horse that was ever created
  • LIBS: You Should Be in Jail, the Horse Deserves Better
  • CNN BREAKING NEWS: President Trump tweeted a horse that was probably thinking bad thoughts, our panel discusses after the break.
  • MSNBC: President Trump tweeted a picture of an Arabian horse, clearly a dog whistle to his Islamophobic base
  • Feminist Twitter: Why does the horse have to be a male? This is just another example of Trumps war on women.
  • Huffington Post: How Stallions are hurting transhorses
  • The Daily Beast: Trump's "Horse Picture" linked to Antisemitism, here is the horses address and social security number.
  • The New York Times: SOURCE says the Horse is the power behind the throne, Trump sits in his office watching gorilla channel all day.

Cagegate - Does America break up families, keep kids in cages, and abuse illegal immigrants? Obviously, not enough or there would be far fewer illegal immigrants. (They're far more looped into the risks than the average Joe). The facts are this is rare, temporary, this has been done forever (and under the Obama and Clinton administrations), and the idea that criminals shouldn't be separated from their kids is absurd. Under the Democrats reasoning, for domestic crime, it is fine to separate families. But for foreign invaders and perpetrators should get special exceptions. But a nation without laws is no longer a nation. And a media that omits context and biases their stories, like NYT and NYMag did on this one, are no longer journalists.

CNN Tapes - James O'Keefe (of investigative journalist site Project Veritas) asked CNN President (Jeff Zucker) some questions on their weekly call, like how do they call themselves news when they worked to suppress and spin facts that didn't further their agenda? O'Keefe mentioned they he had been secretly taping their calls for months (during the pre-election coverage) and was going to release those tapes. Instead of answering, CNN panicked, hung up, and said they'd changed the call process to prevent transparency in the future. They also threatened lawsuit, because after they released secret tapes of the First Lady, suddenly when that was turned back on them, they felt that investigative journalism, whistleblowing and speaking truth to power was a crime. So the tapes were released and we got the leadership conspiring on tape to do the following:
  • Jeff Zucker admitting that the network is pushing the agenda of the Democrat Party by making all their news completely “impeachment” focused (and he was fine wiht that).
  • After Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19, inventing the narrative that Trump was "acting erratically"
  • They should stop being friendly towards and be more caustic in attacking Sen. Lindsey Graham (in order to swing an election against him)
  • They should pretend that Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson is a White Supremacist (based on no evidence)
  • They should continue to suppress the Hunter Biden tapes story
  • Conspiring on how to help Joe Biden with Miami Cubans (by downplaying his pro-Socialist/Communist statements).

Alabamagate - (This is also called Sharpiegate, but is much broader than that). Anatomy of FakeNews would look like this:
  • Trump tweeted on Sunday (Sept 1st) to be careful, and God Bless everyone, be sure to evacuate, and warned that because Hurricane Dorian was cat 5, and could hit the states hard (including Alabama as the last of the 5 states mentioned). Then went on with his logorrhea about the economy and a dozen other things.
  • A never Trump'er at the National Weather Service tweeted that no effects would be felt in Alabama as the storm was going to stay east.
  • The DNC media, trying to cover for Biden (or other DNC) Gaffes or the embarrassing 7 hour Climate battle of the dimwits (infomercial for the uninformed) that CNN was running, decided to invent the FakeStory that Alabama was never on the threatened list for the cone, and that Trump was an idiot for tweeting that, since the storm had stalled and was turning away. CNN even did a dishonest map where they mislabelled Alabama as Mississippi.
  • Trump doesn't let the media revise the truth about him... so after 4 days of FakeNews (Wed), he did a little mini-News Conference, where his people had created charts and checked the facts, and it showed the original track of the Hurricane and where broader effects would be felt.

2019.08.23 Amazon Forest Fires -
Terra Indígena Porquinhos, Maranhão (38928905194).jpg
The fires in the Amazon this year (2019) are nothing exceptional (2004 was like peak deforestation and we're down like 80% from then), and most of it is farm land and not forest that's being burned. (Normal crop burns, with a few getting a little out of control). But CNN and Hollywood got to use the Global Warming scare mongering, often using old photos from back in 2004, or even this was Trump's fault: seriously (idiots). It's a catastrophe don't you know? "Over 20% of the world's Oxygen comes from there. We need to fix this NOW" For those with a clue? They're idiots. If we burned the entire biomass of the earth less than 1% of the world’s oxygen would be consumed... most of our oxygen is collected over millions of years, most of the rest comes from water based photosynthesis, and we don't need to worry about a lack of Oxygen. So this is just this years chicken-little alar or Ozone hole scare. }}

2019.08.21 Buying Greenland, dissing Denmark -
Greenland (orthographic projection).svg
Trump floated the idea of buying Greenland. Denmark said, "it's not for sale". And Trump cancelled a visit to Denmark, saying that basically freed up some time on his schedule. The #NeverTrumpers all raged that this was disrespectful to an ally and assumed the worst of Trump. The problem is that we don't know the context, and the FakeNews never did their jobs to try to find out. I can believe Trump was just having a hissy about being rebuffed... but it seems at least as likely that NYT/CNN/WaPo were going off half-cocked, again, and there might be more to the story (like "Hands up, don't shoot"). My left of center friends all raged at what a dumb idea it was, because CNN/NYT/WaPo told them so... not one of them was informed that Russia and China had both made plays for bases there in the past, and that would make a new Cuban Missile crisis on a much bigger scale. Or that it has many great natural resources that make it valuable, and under utilized.

2019.07.31 One Redeeming Quality? -
One Redeeming Quality.png
One of the perfect examples of FakeNews and the left losing their mind, and causing distrust and contempt by their informed readers is an OpEd in the Boston Globe asking whether Trump has a single redeeming quality, and answering "no". Which shows how out of touch the author is, and more than that, the Globe Editorial staff to think that this was News and to fail the fact checking on the error ridden hate-piece. 55 different lies is the best that the Globe can manage as impartial journalism?

2019.06.13 Dirt from Foreign Government - Donald Trump took an interview from ABC FakeNews’ George Stephanopoulos (mistake #1), and he told the truth that any other politician would do (mistake #2). When asked if Trump would take dirt on his opponent from a foreign government, Trump told the truth and said, "I'd listen", then maybe go to the FBI. The Democrats and their Press that has never complained about Hillary not only using foreign intelligence but planting it to subvert an election (via the Steele Dossier), suddenly thinks this behavior is outrageous.

2019.03.22 Mueller Report.png
2019.03.22 Mueller Report - The Mueller Report is out. I don't care if you like/dislike President Trump, I care whether people will defend the truth or perpetuate a lie. Soon we will be able to read the full report, but the summary is a smackdown: (a) there was no hint at collusion by Trump or his team, in fact they rebuffed attempts by the Russians. (b) without collusion there couldn't have been obstruction, but even if there had been, Trump wasn't close to obstruction (c) the media narrative has been a fraud (d) the media wasted 2,284 minutes, and 533,074 articles (245 million responses) to coverage of the fake narrative. The media doesn't admit their mistake and apologize to Trump and the public are not journalists following the facts, but polemics mad that someone shined the light of truth on their deception. And right on cue, a bunch of FakeNews, Democrat politicians, and Hollywood sheep try to spin this as it, "stops short of exonerating on obstruction", or shifting the narrative to Mueller's competence, Trump's guilt on something else, or anything other than their 2-year fraud. But all the outlets that championed it as the end of Trump, or shown for frauds. Expecially when they won't just apologize.

2019.02.05 SOTU 2019 - The State of the Union speech was a little late (thanks to Nancy's shutdown), but it got delivered. Trump took the high road, Nancy/Dems took the lower one. Trump got a 76% approval, and higher ratings that 2018 or Obama, on a longer and deeper speech . But FakeNews NBC called it a "Theater of the Absurd". And the Fake FactCheckers at NYT, Politico, NPR and WaPo all proved their bias in their counter-factuals.

2019.01.20 Covington Catholic High School - 💩The New York Times published an article “Boys in ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats Mob Native American Elder at Indigenous People’s March,” and many other outlets (CNN, WaPo, etc), piled on without verifying. OrangeMan is so bad, that just wearing his hat makes you a racist. Only, the details leaked out that it was the Catholic teens minding their own business (on a class trip) when the Native American demonstrator/activist (Nathan Phillips: not a Vietnam War Veteran as WaPo and other claimed) marched up, beat drums, push into center of student group, call teens names, and then accused the kids of surrounding him and saying racist things, all false.

2019.01.17 Impeachment - Buzzfeed released an article that said Trump had ordered his Attorney (Michael Cohen) to lie to investigators, which set off the Democrats impeachment Tourettes again. ("Get the noose!") Nevermind that: it was implausible, from an unreliable author and publication, with anonymous sources, and made no sense -- the left and their media was all over it, and Congress was already demanding an investigations: which forced Mueller to release an unprecedented statement (during an investigation), that said the story was bullshit. And the left-press was crestfallen over the truth.

2018.07.31 Avoiding Reporters - The media rightly accuses Trump of being an attention hound. Since "he's damned either way", Jeff Zeleny (WH Reporter for CNN), tweeted Trump had not taken questions from reporters in at least a week. (Something they never complained about under Obama). Then the facts/corrections came out that Trump had done a press conference (with Q&A) the day before. No retraction, apology or consequences for the mistake. This is CNN.

2018.07.02 Fake Immigration Story - WaPo used flawed analysis to count only half of immigrants, and conclude that Trump's policies are suppressing Muslims. Only the rest of the data changes the story. The problem isn't just that WaPo is bad at math/logic, it's that they haven't retracted and apologized.

2018.06.19 Space Force - In response to China's increased militarization of space, and Russia creating a Space Force, Donald Trump announced that he wanted to split the Air Force Space efforts into a separate agency. The Democrats and their media attacked the idea, because Orange Man Bad! ABC news spun it as racist because he used the phrase it would be a "separate but equal" agency to the Air Force (so they talked about civil rights and Plessy v. Ferguson). MSNBC and other outlets just mocked the idea and omitted context and balance in the discussion. The real news was suppressed: whether this was a good response to our frenemies actions or not.

2018.06.06 Melania Conspiracy Theories - Where's Melania? After undergoing kidney surgery, Mrs. Trump took a month off of public events. CNN fed the fire with stories about how, "she hasn't been seen in 24 days", "Where's Melania", on the station, twitter and in newsletters, and propagated FakeNews about her "plastic surgery", "she left him" or "moved back to NYC". Their defense was they were just repeating what they read on Twitter, as if that's where their journalistic line is drawn.

2018.05.03 Cohen Wiretap - MSNBC/NBC broke the story, "“Feds tapped Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s phones,” -- and later altered the story to say, "Feds are monitoring, not listening to Cohen’s calls”: Instead of a wiretap, investigators obtained what’s known as a pen register warrant, where they get to see a log of calls made and durations, not audio of what was said.

2018.04.13 Cohen in Prague - McClatchy claims that Cohen was in Prague, which confirms part of the Steele Dossier, and contradicts Cohen's statement that he wasn't. Only no other outlet believes that, and a few mocked McClatchy for publishing it.

2017.12.08 Trump Jr. (Wikileaks) - CNN (Manu Raju) had a "bombshell" report that Donald Trump Jr. had early, secret early access to hacked DNC emails from WikiLeaks, 9 days before they were public. It turned out wrong: he only had access to the info the day after Wikileaks went public and no special access had been given. CNN eventually quietly revised their story, but never apologized or admitted how they got the dates wrong.

2017.12.04 Trump Bank Records - Failing to learn of ABC's Flynn fiasco, only a few days earlier, Bloomberg broke a story (based on an anonymous source), that Trump's Deutsche Bank Records were subpoenaed by Mueller: the noose was closing. A few days later, admitted it was Trump, just people he might know. (WSJ had regurgitated the story, and also had to retract).

2017.12.01 Flynn Fiasco - ABC (Brian Ross) falsely reported that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump ordered him to make contact with the Russians. The stock market dropped a few hundred points immediately, and ABC scapegoated (Suspended) Brian Ross for their failure of quality control.

2017.11.06 Japan fish-feeding frenzy - CNN got caught deceptively editing a reel to make it look like Trump made a fish feeding blunder by dumping the box of food in the Koi pond, and turned it into a big story... after omitting that PM Abe did the same thing first. Then they deceptively edited a joke on where the Japanese should build more cars in America (they played it as if he didn't know they already did). CNN's author did later issue a correction for the second FakeNews fabrication of the day.

2017.10.19 Weinstein is Trump's fault - Seriously, CNN blames Trump for Harvey Weinstein. After CNN buries 24 other sexual scandals by Democrats, and there were hundreds more, as you can see in my Gropegate list, the single biggest factor on whether CNN will cover it or bury it, is whether there's an (R) or (D) after the persons name. And even when it's obviously a Democrat, they try to think of excuses why that's really the Republicans fault.

2017.09 Hurricane Maria - While the FEMA preparation and response to Hurricane Maria was fantastic, but the Democrat controlled Island Government failed to distribute those supplies, turning a disaster into a catastrophe. While Puerto Rico’s own governor, Ricardo Rosselló, was praising Trump’s attention and response to Hurricane Maria, CNN was spinning FakeNews as this was Trump’s ‘Katrina', (and kept beating on that meme for a year)... trying desperately to point blame towards the President for the failure of Democrat controlled Puerto Rican infrastructure. (Texas and Florida had no such problems, despite similar hits).

2017.08.31 Manafort 'Donations' - NBC News hyped as a “bombshell” last week, that the, “Manafort Notes From Russian Meet Contain Cryptic Reference to ‘Donations'”. This could be pay-to-play and impeachment. Then they issued a confusing correction (same day) that they meant to say "Donor". Only that didn't appear in the original either. And WaPo slammed NBC for trashy journalism.

2017.06.16 only Democrats prayed for Scalise - After Bernie Sander supporter and left wing activist (James T. Hodgkinson) shot Republican Steve Scalise practicing baseball, CNN misreported that (a) Trump had not visited Scalise: he had. (b) only Democrats prayed for Scalise and his recovery: it was both teams. (c) I'm not even getting into all the omitted/erroneous details on Hodgkinson's background or motives, and getting gun details wrong (including in this case). All of which is tweeted/retweeted as fact, by the gullible.

2017.06.13 Cillizza FakeNews fiasco - After mocking leftist (CNN) Trump conspiracy theories, Chris Cillizza joins CNN's ranks, and reverses course. He whines about Trump's accusations of FakeNews with a challenge to offer specific examples... which results in a tidal-wave (thousands) of twitter responses (2,400+ examples).

2017.06.06 Trump was under Investigation - CNN's argument for 3+ month had been that Trump would be impeached for Obstruction of Justice, because he fired Comey, over Comey not stopping an investigation. That's at least 3 pieces of FakeNews in one:
  • 🔥 CNN claimed Comey is going to testify that Trump lied ("multiple times") when claiming that Comey told him "he wasn't under investigation". Comey instead confirms Trump's version (Trump was not under investigation). CNN forced to retract.
  • 🔥 This crushes CNN's claims that Trump fired Comey because he wouldn't stop the investigation, if there was no investigation then he couldn't have fired Comey over it.
  • 🔥 This also crushes CNN's claims that Trump firing Comey was obstruction. No investigation = No obstruction!

2017.06.06 Reza Aslan firing - CNN said they should be viewed as “the one nonpartisan cable news network"... which backlashed, when (after a year of prior obvious bias and slander) people used that claim to force them to reluctantly prove it and fire Reza Aslan (their "religious scholar") after he called Trump a piece of shit. This happened right after one of their favorite contributors (Kathy Griffen) beheaded the President in effigy, so the optics were too bad to sweep it under the rug.

2017.05.25 NATO - Trump criticized NATO (as he has during his campaign) for bearing the brunt of NATO costs (true), and intimidates them into living up to their obligations and coming up with more money. The leftists, their Press and their fact checkers all pretend this is end of days and proof that:
    • Demanding more defense spending (against Russia) makes him a puppet of Russia.
    • That him claiming the U.S. pays 70-90% of NATO is a lie. It's true... depending on what you mean.
    • He "shoved" Montenegro Prime Minister.
    • That he's alienating our allies and going to break up NATO.
    • A year+ later, the head of NATO admits that his tough talk got NATO contributions up by over $100B, and it is stronger than ever, thanks to Trump.

2017.05.11 Trump to fire Spicer - Starting in May, CNN was saying they had great information that Sean Spicer was out and going to be fired by Trump (any day). He wasn't. Spicer was unhappy about the appointment of Scaramucci, and at the end of July he resigned, while Trump asked Spicer to stay, and he did until August. This was the opposite of what CNN had been saying.

2017.05.04 Rape and Violence - CNN Says Trump changes to ACA will make Rape and Domestic Violence a Pre-Existing Condition. Even left of center PolitiFact, had to admit that one was FakeNews, "the bill does not change what is or is not a pre-existing condition; the health insurance companies write those definitions for themselves". No correction from CNN.

2017.05 James Comey Firing - For 6 months the media and Democrats had demanded the firing of James Comey. Trump waited until an FBI report cited evidence of gross misconduct, and then the AG fired Comey after consulting with Trump. The Democrats and their Media (NYT, WaPo, Politico, CNN, MSNBC), switched sides and screamed that this was illegal, obstruction of justice, proof of Russia collusion, and other things that were all later debunked.

2017.04.21 Carter Page Colluded with Russia - CNN claimed many times that Carter Paige colluded with Russia (wrt Trump Campaign), and spread the myth amongst their viewers for a year. It turns out that Carter Page was a victim of Obama Administration using National Intelligence to lie to federal judges, to spy on the Trump campaign during an election. After tapping his phones and so on, nobody has been able to find anything to tie him to Russian collusion.

2017.04.11 Spicer: Hitler didn't use chemical weapons - Sean Spicer (WhiteHouse Press Secretary) while talking about Assad (Syria) use of chemical weapons, misspoke (said something completely true but inartfully worded) and corrected himself (clarified that "as a tool of war" and not talking about gassing civilians) and apologized all in the same news-conference. Far left outfits like CNN, CBS, MSNBC, Snopes, Politifact, all ignored the correction/clarification and used the gaff as a way to attack Spicer and Trump, and spin a non-story into evidence of why they were a bad administration. They also ignored many cases where others on the left had said the same truth. Lies of omission, and sensationalism, are evidence of propaganda/FakeNews.

2017.02.24 Shut-out over facts - CNN whines (after getting shut out of a Press event after running the Fake Dossier) that it was retaliation because "this is how they retaliate when 'you report facts they don't like'. We'll keep reporting regardless". There's at least 4 pieces of FakeNews in that one line:
  • 🔥 the Dossier wasn't "facts" it was lies (debunked): germaphobes aren't into watersports you morons
  • 🔥 thus if they were shut out of over the Dossier, it wasn't because they told "facts", it was because they repeated a lie (and refused to correct it)
  • 🔥 They weren't shut-out over just the Dossier, but over: Dossier, Russia, and dozens of other FakeNews stories listed in this section.
  • 🔥 At the same time, Project Veritas showed a senior CNN producer (John Bonifield), admitting the whole Russia meme was bullshit, they had no evidence, and they'd been on a witchhunt, and they knew it was a lie all along: just like the President said. .
  • 🔥 CNN had to fire 3 people and pull more off the Russia fraud and FakeCollusion (a couple months later). But they never corrected, clarified or apologized for the prior year of misreporting. That would be too much like journalism.

2017.02.15 Russian Contact - CNN repeatedly claimed Trump had "constant contact" with Russians during campaign. Only Trump didn't appear to have any direct contact. And it is normal for their campaigns to have some, but Trump's had less than normal and certainly less than Hillary's campaign (with the Steel Dossier). And many investigations have not found anything to hint that he colluded with the Russians to fix a campaign. Or that the Russians did anything to successfully change the outcome of our election.

2017.02.10 Akie Abe - FakeNews story that Melania Trump blew off Akie Abe (Japan PM's wife) during the PM's visit. Photos show Donald and Melania with her at the time. No apology or retraction.

2017.02 Trumps ExecOrder cause a Woman's Death - CNN's Erol Lewis pushed a false story that Trump’s Executive Immigration Order caused Michigan Woman’s Death, after the story had already been disproven. If they retracted and apologized, they might not be known as FakeNews.

2017.01.31 Hardiman Decoy - CNN falsely Claims Trump Brought Judge Neil Hardiman to DC (and setup a fake twitter account) as Supreme Court Nominee ‘Decoy’, and that's why they were mistaken. Hardiman wasn't in town, wasn't a decoy, it wasn't his twitter account, and if they fact checked, they'd have known that.

2017.01.23 Wall of Sacrifice - CNN (Jim Sciutto) insisted Donald Trump didn’t “say anything” about the CIA's wall of sacrifice behind him during his speech to employees at the Central Intelligence Agency - proven false.

2017.01.20 Scrubbed Climate Change and LGBT - ZOMG: Minutes in, and Trump is purging the Government (White House Website) of LGBT and Climate Change info: OrangeMan Bad! Only, this normal operating procedure to archive the old White House pages and start fresh (it happened under Clinton->Bush and Bush->Obama). No retractions, corrections or apologies given.

2017.01.20 Nancy Sinatra - Nancy tweeted a joke about her late father’s song “My Way,” being used at Trump’s Inauguration. She tweeted, "just remember the first line of the song", which is, “And now, the end is near.” CNN used that to invent a FakeNews story that she was “not happy” about Trump using her father’s song at the Inauguration. To which she replied, "That’s not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN? What a rotten spin to put on a harmless joke.”

2017.01.20 MLK Bust - Time/Examiner - Trump pulled the MLK bust out of Oval Office. Never mind, it was moved in the same room, and the Churchill bust that Obama removed was brought back. Lesson: don't shittweet before factcheck!

2017.01.10 Fake Dossier - Most media outlets (besides BuzzFeed) avoided the salacious Steele (Pee Pee) Dossier. But once it ran, plenty (NYT, CNN/Evan Perez, MSNBC, NBC, etc), republished it and/or jumped on board to talk about it, and not refute its abusrdity, or clarify its provenance as a dirty/corrupt election trick (created by the DNC) and used to get illegal warrants and undermine our democracy. Instead CNN/BuzzFeed used it to infer that Trump had Russian ties (collusion), or was compromised and other FakeNews.

2017 Republicans funded the Dossier - If you heard that Republicans funded the Steele "Pee Pee" Dossier, you're a victim of FakeNews. Many Democrat operatives are guilty of repeating the lie: New York Magazine (Jonathan Chait), CNN (Brian Fallon), MSNBC’s (Velshi & Ruhle and Rachel Maddow), NBC (Christina Ginn), AP, New York Times, even James Comey. AP issued a correction, NYT clarified in later articles, but most others let the lie/confusion stand, or underplayed the truth: that it was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign, and used to get illegal warrants and put a paid spy in the Trump campaign.

2017 Obama Wiretapping - In March, CNN and other far-left outlets denounced Trumps claim that Obama had wiretapped phones in Trump Tower as a “flat-out lie.” (Despite the fact that Trump was quoting the NYT on that). By September they admitted that Carter Page and Paul Manafort were both wiretapped (while in Trump Tower). Not only don't they offer a retraction/apology, they still mock the idea that there was wiretapping, long after they admitted that it was proven true.

2017 More Comey Fakes - Beside the debunked FakeNews Trump under Investigation, or Comey Firing tropes. There were these sub-claims that were all debunked as well:
  • 🔥 CNN claimed Comey wasn't granted more resources for investigation: False
  • 🔥 Trump is going to live tweet during Comey hearing: False
  • 🔥 Comey is a Boy Scout and apolitical: False
  • 🔥 Trump fired Comey over investigation (the Dossier was getting close), not for incompetence or violation of ethics: the FBI's report showed that was False.

2017 Melania - Double-standards are FakeNews. Compare how CNN, NYT, and other media outlets fawned over Michelle Obama (or Jackie O) and her ugly fashion sense. While they snub or the only time they comment on Melania (the best looking and best dressed of our First Ladies ever), is to question her fashion choices.

2017 - 17 Intelligence Agencies - The Hillary Campaign Talking Point was that "17 intelligence agencies" agreed that Russians had hacked the election. The NYT printed it and CNN repeated it for years. James Clapper admitted in front of congress that was bullshit and that he only had 3 (or 4) agencies under his purview, and that 2 of them had disagreed until pressured. CNN repeated it long after it was debunked, and never retracted or corrected the record, which is why their viewers still think it's true. NYT and others at least offered corrected versions later.

2016.12.31 Russians hack our power grid - Amid rising tension over the DNC's fake Trump Russian Collusion narrative, WaPo (Ellen Nakashima and Juliet Eilperin) invented that the Russians were also responsible for a Vermont PowerGrid attack. The Utility denied the claim, and WaPo tries to blame them, and claims they'd contacted them, and rewrites the story... but botches the rewrite as well. And it appears that they lied about trying to contact the power companies, and hadn't done their due diligence.

2016.11.08 Trump Loses - "Trump has no path to 270 - he can't win", "This race is over!", "Hillary has >90% chance of winning." -- CNN, WaPo and others were wrong on everything. Not only that he could win, but which states and groups he'd carry.

2016.10.24 Stock Market Crash - CNN predicts a Trump win will crash stock markets 10-15%, but a Clinton win would be great. The stock market responded to a Trump win by leaping upward, and continued to break records for a couple years, before having a normal correction. In fact, it when ABC spread Fake rumors of Trump's tax plan getting blocked, the market did panic (not the other way around). The point is not that CNN is often wrong (they are), but they sound more like DNC than news.

2016.06 Anthony Scaramucci - CNN published a story (based on one anonymous source), claiming Anthony Scaramucci was being investigated by the Senate into the Russian Direct Investment Fund. They had to retract it, and admit it wasn't up to their editorial standards, and three reporters had to resign. It's like Journalism, without the standards.

2016- Russia Trump-Collusion FakeNews Fiasco - 🔥 CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC and all the left leaning media has been promoting this FakeNews Fraud that there was Trump-Russia Collusion, that collusion is a crime (it isn't or Carter, Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Obama would all be in prison).
    • The FBI/CIA and finally James Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee that the New York Times (and other reports) that accused Trump associates of “repeated contacts with Russian intelligence” was “almost entirely wrong" or “just dead wrong". There's no evidence of Trump collusion. For over a year the media still reports/misreports the Russian collusion: CNN and others still quoting from the debunked NYT report.
    • While the FakeNews was harping on the issue for a year, the only real evidence of collusion was of the Hillary campaign and DNC paying for the Fake Dossier (what real collusion looks like), the FakeNews outlets ignored it (lie of omission).
    • Finally, it ended with 3 of CNN's reporters getting fired. But no apology or correction issued for the prior year of FakeNews.

1990.03.29 Mic Drop - When CNN does ambush journalism, Trump drops the microphone and walks off. They of course edited up this clip, so you can't see the entire context, as part of their "journalism". Same old CNN.