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A Korean, and Indian and an Iranian went into a bar and were joking about the terms PoC (People of Color) and BiPoC (Black & Indigenous People of Color), and how it doesn't work because people of the same color aren't equally oppressed... low and behold, everything they were mocking, became true within a few weeks. [1]. Now NPR is claiming that "People of Color" is racist, because it treats all minorities as equal victims. When we all know, that some groups deserve more victimhood cred than others. Of course that's racist, but trying to discuss racism with bigots is futile.

So a couple of bigots over at NPR (but that's redundant), were whining about how PoC isn't racist enough.[2], seriously. Their points include:

  1. The term/work PoC, people of color, has "color" in it and that invokes a racist past... and colored was once used during the era of racism, thus it must be inherently racist, and we should go with terms like BiPoC... because while that also color in it, it descriminates more by calling out black and indigenous victimhood and thus diminishes anti-Asian, anti-Jewish, and anti-other victimhood.
    • Please ignore the common sense that almost every word in the language was used during the Jim Crow era of racism, and thus bigot-snowflakes can find fault with everything. The goal of marxism (as explained by [Thought Crime|Orwell]] and others) was to continually re-invent the language and invent excuses why different terms/words we now off limits, to teach compliance with 2+2=5 and truthspeak.
  2. They use terms like white-adjacent... if you are self deluded enough to pretend that White is a race, and that White Privilege exists (by ignoring that all the stuff that contradicts that), then you get into the problem that there's degrees of whiteness, and an Iranian or Egyptian might deserve more victimhood cred than a Brit, Irishman or an Italian. (Please ignore that Italians and Irishman were once persecuted as well, as that's a nuance beyond the race-hucksters willingness to fathom).
  3. Because some sensitive whites try to pick up the language of the snowflakes and start using the terms like PoC, that's inherently racist and grating, because everyone knows we should have two languages -- one for minorities/victims, and one for the oppressors. Thus a black and use the N-word freely, and others can't... even if they have been called it. (e.g. growing up I was called a sand-nigger, being middle eastern... and often called that by blacks).

The fundamental stupidity is all the premises behind the racist speak. Truths like:

  • You can't racism by re-defining the language -- especially if it tries to divide us by race
  • There is no "White Privilege" -- because that assumes that white is a race, that all whites are the same and are treated the same, and assumes the false premise of Institutional Racism -- which exists only to favor minorities. (All other forms of institutional racism have been outlawed for my entire lifetime, and certainly of the people most vehemently arguing it exists.
  • What racism there is, is usually far bigger by minorities trying to make up for social injustice than by the rational public. Try to be an Asian that gets into Harvard: there's some racism right there. Try to be a Korean opening a store in a black neighborhood, and see what real oppression and intolerance looks like.
  • Racism doesn't make the top-10 of trials in life for the vast majority of Americans, yet it is grossly overweighted by the bigot crowd. That isn't to say that racism doesn't exist -- but successful minorities prove that racism is not a very significant obstruction to success, or they wouldn't be successful. Things that are more likely to hold you back are things like your health, looks, culture, and so on.


📚 References
  1. Intro Joke technicalities:
    1. it wasn't a Korean, Indian and Iranian -- it was 3 Americans with those backgrounds
    2. it was a virtual bar / chatroom: this is COVID time
    3. Not everything was true -- just the most salient points
  2. NPR: https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/918418825/is-it-time-to-say-r-i-p-to-p-o-c