Native Americans
From iGeek
Articles about Native Americans, usually focused on blowing away leftist mythology about how great they are/were. Like: Gentle savages, Native American Genocide, and so on.
2 items
Native American Genocide - A lie I hear repeated too often by the ignoranti, is that Americans committed gennoacide against Native Americans... like they used smallpox laden blankets as an example of that: we intentionally exterminated them. Only if you know that facts, that wasn't us -- it was one letter from a Brit to a Brit about maybe doing it, long after 90% of the indigenous people had been wiped out.
Gentle savages - Another lie I hear repeated is that the Native Americans were gentle or weren't savages. Um, yeah, not so much. There certainly were less savage tribes, but there were many violent tribes that did horrible things. Sometimes retaliation was unfairly put on all tribes (or the wrong tribes) for the crimes of some: but a lot of the violence against tribes was warranted by past behavior, even if not directed at the correct tribe.
This section is not comprehensive analysis of all the complexities of a persons life, but more the points most often brushed over (the counter-balances to the myth-making/propaganda). So these are not meant to be read in isolation, but as complimentary aspects on people (or issues about them) that are on the road that's less travelled.