A black bigot who happened to be married to a half-black bigot, who won the WhiteHouse, twice. Two of her most famous quotes sort of sum her up for me (1) "proud of her country for the first time" when Barack was nominated (2)
Michelle Obama
"every single day … I wake up in a house (the White House) that was built by slaves", she was "proud of her country for the first time" when Barack was nominated.
If you've never been proud of our country, then you're an ignorant or partisan moron. Oh, and the WhiteHouse was not built exclusively, or even mostly, by slaves. A few slaves worked on the project (at the end), but were paid labor. It was the House from whence mostly white folks fought and died to end slavery, and we all have to pay for her to live in that house (so we’re more slave to her, than she is to us). The left gets almost everything wrong, and divides us doing so.