Media take on the Space Race, emphasis on Race, shows politicians masquerading as journalists who want to lecture us by seeing everything through a racist lens.
Creative ways to indicate Men or Women's toilets... bla versus bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Behind every angry woman, stands a man that has absolutely no idea what he did wrong...
Teddy Kennedy, the only politician with a confirmed kill in the "War on Women".
(On Death Row) Guard to female prisoner, "What would you like for your last meal?" Prisoner to Guard, "I don't know... what do you want?"
Don't like abortions, don't have one! Don't like individual right to life, don't create another life!
My asked me if I knew her favorite flower was. Apparently "Gold Medal All Purpose" was not the correct response.
Female Astronauts: Houston, we have a problem.
Houston: What's the problem?
Female Astronauts: Nevermind!
Houston: Please tell us.
Female Astronauts: Just forget it, I'm fine.
Where are all the feminists when you need them? A:They're too busy fighting for equality.
Q: How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: That's not funny!
If Liberals don't believe in biological gender, why are they marching for Women's rights?
I don't always give Women an orgasm, but when I do, she usually spits it out.
Hey Feminists! Now that you have the right to vote, how about defending women and girls from Islamic sanctions child marriage, polygamy, rape, domestic abuse, sex slavery, honor killings, & subjugation?
Killing female babies isn't what women's liberation is supposed to be about.
Miley, Madonna, Gaga think Trump degraded the image of Women.
What male privilege looks like!
Remember to connect the male to the female... Why assign gender roles to electrical connections? Let the circuits decide their own identities... BZZZZT!
What if rape rules applied the other way? Did you bring a man home a drunk man and take advantage of him?
New rule: If I need a vagina to regulate birth control, then you need a gun to regulate gun control. (Rachel Maddow)
Planned Parenthood: Federal money doesn't help PP do abortions. Defunding PP is an attempt to block abortions. Pick one!
Planned Parenthood isn't about mammograms
Birth Control: it's not freedom when you're making someone else pay for it!
Why can't you white men accept your inherent racism and sexism?
Hypocrisy: demanding that government stay out of your bedroom, while demanding government pay for your birth controll.
Stop oppressing me!
I was never a woman who wanted or needed a "Sugar Daddy"... but if "Taco Daddy" was a thing, my life might have taken a drastic turn...
I have tits, now give me free stuff!
If Women need to be raped by Islam to teach tolerance, so be it! Thank goodness for Planned Parenthood. ~ Elizabeth Warren
If Women ruled the world: Man-o-gram. "Please put your willy between these two hydraulic plates"