This is humor. My Dad is Muslim, I know many Muslims. Most muslims are not bad people. The religion as practiced by the majority of Muslims isn't a bad religion. There's just a lot of Muslims, and so they're going to have a lot of outliers. And the news isn't riddled with what most Muslims do, it's riddled with the outliers. This makes fun of those.
Memes-Islam : 43 items
Ahmed gets the first of 72 virgins!
Alah is probably the true God... after all, the Universe Started with a Big explosion!
2 strips of bacon decreases the odds of blowing yourself up.
Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi enraged after seeing his 72 Virgins in paradise.
Can't sleep, need to count sheep... damn it, now I have an erection.
Radical Christians entered a Mosque and beheaded an IMAM! Of course they were real / all Christians, Climate Change is the real threat, and we all know Christianity is a religion of peace.
Safety Jijadist is not impressed by my infidelling!
You can't Coexist with people that want to kill you.
Coexist doesn't always work.
Hujab Barbie! Now with realistic black eye!
I identify as a firework!
Remember, he doesn't represent all of Islam!
Islam offers: Pedophelia, Rape, Beheadings, Burning People, Female Genital Mutilation, Hostages, Honour killings, slavery, oppression, Jihad. But it's not all bad... I love the food and the scimitars.
Burka or Trashbag? (Context: my Islamic Dad sent this from Tehran).
I don't want to sound Islamaphobic.... Stop right there my friend, you don't want to inflame the situation!
Islamaphobia: Where were you on 9/11?
Hey Feminists! Now that you have the right to vote, how about defending women and girls from Islamic sanctions child marriage, polygamy, rape, domestic abuse, sex slavery, honor killings, & subjugation?
Islamic Terrorism? I just don't see it.
Sponge-bob lives in a giant pineapple... but how do you think he got that house? That's right. Jihad!
Leftist sentiments: would you like👍... to protest against👍... rape culture👍... homophobia👍... and sexism👍... in Muslim culture 👎🤮
Mahammed Lego: w/23 wives, including Aysha.
Q: Why are Nuns head coverings judged differently than a chador/burka?
A: Because Nuns don't randomly explode.
OK! You can come in, as long as you behave.
So as I understand it, I can call 911 and say, "I'm doing it for Islam", and the media will blame the gun?
Anti-gay islamic radical shoots up a gay-bar. Blame gun owners!
I just started a business selling land mines that look like prayer mats, prophets are going through the roof!
Differences between Islam and Race.
Hello Darling, you're home early.
Jesus died for you. Allah wants you to kill for him!
Some goats in Muslim countries learned to scale mountains. I wonder why?
How to get stoned without weed (in an Islamic country).
Where do suicide bombers go when they die? Everywhere!
I spent half an hour trying to talk to them, wanting to learn about their culture. Then the Bartender cut me off and told me they were patio umbrellas.
YOBO, You only blow-up once
You da bomb! No YOU do bomb! A compliment in the West, an argument in the Middle East.
Islam is a monotheistic Judeo-Christian sect (broken into one of two denominations; Sunni (85–90%) or Shia (10–15%)), which teaches the following: This 2nd largest religion was created in the 7th century in Mecca, by Mohamed sharing his visions in the form of the Quran. There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God (as was Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus). That quote is called the creed (Shahada) and takes on spiritual meaning as one of the 5 pillars of Islam (the creed, daily prayers, alms, fasting, pilgrimage). Following Islamic law (sharia) touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, from banking and welfare to women and the environment: there is no separation between church, state, and law. Islam believes in social justice, and a hierarchy where: other Muslims are better than the other Abrahamic religions, which are much better than pagans or atheists. Islam replaced tribalism with Religionism: God, Family, Other Muslims, Country, Infidels. God is merciful, all-powerful, and has guided humankind through prophets, revealed scriptures and natural signs, as well as intervention in all outcomes (God is far more "involved" in day-to-day than Judeo/Christian flavors of God). Which is a source of frustration (God's anger) since Islam has gone down hill since the 10th century which to some, shows that they are not being pious/Godly enough: resentful fallen empire chip-on-their-shoulder.
Head of ISIS is killed by Trump, and the response by the FakeNews media is to attack Trump or minimize the accomplishment.