List of Clinton Meme's. Meme's aren't "fair", they're pithy over-simplifications of the irony at some often complex and nuanced situations. And sometimes, damn funny.
So they might not always be truth, but they hint at it, demonstrate hypocrisy and can make us laugh. From fairness in the media, to who wore it better (dress for the job you want), to various Bill scandals: Hillary is a meme-gift, with something for everyone.
Memes-Hillary : 21 items
Going inside Hillary's ass. Reporters on the scene says it smells terrific.
I can't believe we got away with that shit... again!
Hillary: I was supposed to Fire Comey!.
Coming for my guns? I'm waiting.
So they rigged the election, dodged a criminal investigation, planted a Fake Russian Collusion story, Gave Hillary the debate questions in advance, let the dead and illegals vote, wiretapped Trump's phone, and they STILL lost!!!
Another Kavanaugh victim steps forward.... Hillary in disguise.
Why is it that every time the media talks to Ivanka, they ask how she feels about how her Dad treats Women... but they never do when they talk to Chelsea Clinton?
Hillary Logo: I'm with Stupid (Obama).
Things I trust more than Hillary: One night stand with Charlie Sheen, Mosquitos with Zika Virus, Fishing Trips with Scott Peterson, Joy Rides with OJ Simpson, Flint Michigan Tap Water, Elevator rides with Ray Rice, Cocktails with Bill Cosby, Casey Anthony's Day Care.
Hillary's Attack Dogs: NYT and WaPo.
I haven't seen Hillary bail on a group of people like that since Benghazi!
Hillary is like Herpes. It keeps coming back!
Hillary tweet: When I was a girl, I wrote NASA and told them I dreamed of being an astronaut. They wrote back they weren't taking girls. Today, girls are watching today's historic (all Women) spacewalk.
NASA didn't have Astronauts until 1962 when Hillary was already 15 years old. Stop drunk tweeting!
Hillary and Putin colluding.
What male privilege looks like!
Chelsea reading, "Nana goes to prison" to her daughter.
Hitler: Never arrested. Never Convicted. As innocent as Hillary.
OMG, it's Satan... and a guy dressed up like a Devil.
And thank you lord for sparing us from Hillary Clinton.
Kermit: Whenever I'm frustrated with MY job, I remember that Hillary has a Gynecologist.
Memes-Bill : 8 items
I can't believe we got away with that shit... again!
All I did was lie about a blow job... under oath. In a lawsuit brought by a woman I sexually harassed. Because I was trying to win a lawsuit. I wound up paying her $850K. What's the big deal?
Ahh, a cute dog (bitch) diving for your crotch, let's call her Monica.
Welcome to Arkansas, home of Bill Clinton. In compliance with Megan's law, the above is a known sex offender.
New Presidential Seal, thanks to Bill Clinton.
Obama's Presidential Portrait + Clinton in a blue dress + and Biden sniffing. The trifecta of what the DNC represents.
Look, there's a rapist hiding in the Bushes!
Memes-Dress : 12 items
Boss told me, Dress for the job you want. Now I'm in a disciplinary meeting dressed like Wonder Woman.
Evil has a dress code, that Hillary follows.
Hillary v. Boss Hogg. The resemblance is uncanny... and they dress alike too.
Hillary and Mao... same ideas, same clothes.
Hillary or Doctor Evil? Hard to tell...
Ghadaffi / Khadaffi and Hillary. Do all dictators look alike to you?
Hillary gives a speech about inequality, in a $12,495 Armani Jacket.
Who wore it better, Hillary or Kirby?
They said Dress for the Job you deserve. Hillary showed up in a Prison Uniform?
Who wore it better? Hillary, or a sack of potatoes?
Hillary Dresses like she's in charge of a Space Federation. (Wants to rule the Star Wars Empire?)
Call me Obama in a Dress. (Not fair: Obama was better looking, and only wears dresses inside the house).
If you want to find a Clinton, just follow the trail of dead bodies.
Memes-Body count : 29 items
Like with a belt or something?
Epstein's impending suicide is a shock to Bill and I, which is why Bill is leaving the country. (This was made weeks before Epstein killed himself).
Very sad to hear of Jeffrey's suicide... oh, shit! That's tomorrow!
Bill and Hillary are marked safe, from Epstein testimony.
Hillary w/prison tat tears (for the people's she's offed).
Kirk will have the red-shirts investigate the Clinton - Epstein connections.
Epstein got a suicide. The FBI agent investigating the Clinton Foundation got a suicide. Everyone problematic for the Clinton's gets a suicide!
Epstein's last visitor: Hidalago Clintonio... "he seemed in good spirits"
When all your enemies commit suicide? Guess I'm just lucky.
You have mysteriously died of Clintons.
That episode where Scoobie investigates the Clinton's.
That face you make after you investigate the Clinton's.
If the Clinton Kill list is just a "coincidence", how many non-family people do you know who have been murdered, suicided or died in a strange accident?
Of course Hillary is guilty, but I don't want to die!
What did the deer know about the Clintons?
Q: Why don't the Clinton's like Jahovah's Witnesses?
A: The Clinton's don't like ANY Witnesses?
To find the Clinton's, just look for the trail of bodies.
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Poster).
Suicide Squad: Hillary Style.
Comey: I don't always overlook criminal behavior, but when I do, it's because I found my suicide note in Clinton's deleted emails.
Clinton Foundation Witness Removal Hearse.
When you have information on Hillary Clinton, but decide to kill yourself.
Warren: Bernie had a heart attack! Looks like I'll be the nominee. Hillary: Only if you survive your accident next month!
Who has the highest kills? Freddy, Friday 13th, or Hillary?
Epstein and the Clinton's.
They saw we see on clouds what we most want. What do you see baby?
(Breaking out in sweat)... I see us together forever...
Ahhh... (in truth, he sees, "Epstein was murdered to protect the ruling class pedophiles from prosecution")
Tilt the screen back, close one eye... and it says, "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
I updated the Memes section. Life is short, why not mock it?
Hillary Clinton
Here's a brief summary of Hillary's scandals (with links to more on each of them). This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good she's accomplished as a politicians or person (that would be a much shorter list), the intent is just to show the pattern of scandals that her detractors recognized and her proponents ignore. If you want the pro-Hillary spin just listen to her, the NYT, CNN or MSNBC, they carry her water for her.