Memes about anti-fascism (or antifa), which is really just another name for fascism, if only they were knew enough history to recognize themselves in the mirror.
Memes-Antifa : 49 items
Candace Owens spoke at U-Penn, was surrounded by Antifa, where they called her racist slurs in the name of being against racism. 12
Antifa = Anti-First Ammendment
It isn't abuse if she's a racist!
Anti-fascism starts at home. Teach them the right way!
Berkeley Antifa: Shut-up Nazi!
There's no room for capitalists, conservatives, libertarians, "classical liberals", or supporters of the U.S. Constitution in our city. You must leave. #BostonResist
Antifa checkbox looks familiar.
Fasicst used to march under their own banner
Nothing is wrong with punching a Nazi!
How about Communists and Socialists?
You shouldn't hit people just because you disagree with them!
What does Antifa and the KKK have in common? Almost everything.
If you wear masks and riot gear, you're probably not the "good guys"
"Smash the white man", said the racist Antifa! (This was 2015, under Obama).
Antifa on the Steve Scalise shooting: the only good Republican is a dead Republican.
Jesus: Do not be overcome by Evil. Overcome evil by being good!
Left/Antifa: So we should attack the racists, and tear down their statues?
Jesus: Let's go over that again...
Antifa symbol: rainbow dildo.
Antifa Mascot: let's turn over trashcans and get hit by a car!
What does Antifa mean? Same as it always did.
Antifa hurls feces and urine, like the demented apes they are. PortlandStrong!
This is what inciting peace looks like? Antifa peace!
I always go to peaceful protest in riot gear and masks and bring a club, don't you?
Antifa/Media/DNC speak and spell: Orange man bad!
Antifa (Anti-Fascism) starter kit.
Remember how every time Antifa or BLM attacked conservatives the media decided to not be outraged? Yeah, me too! Media double standards.
You can't trust Trump... unless he says something you don't like!
Berkeleynacht: Berkeley or Berlin? Same methods.
Nothing says "We hate fascism", like a black-clad street mob, beating people up!
Fascist will call themselves Anti-Fascists.
Hurry up Mom, I have to go fight fascism!
Hong Kong: waves American flag to fight for more freedom. Portland: Waves Communist flag to fight against freedom.
Greta and Parents in fascist clothing. Antifa is fascism.
The paradox of intolerance.
Antifa is like ISIS for pussies.
Stephen forgets that he's not on the Internet...
Nothing says I oppose fascism like beating the shit out of people you disagree with!
Orwell: every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture doctored, statues destroyed, streets renamed, dates altered, day by day, and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present, in which the Party is always right.
Setting fires: Berkeley or Berlin? Same methods.
This is a statue dedicated to Buffalo Soldiers: Black Soldiers (circa 1866) that slaughtered Native American. What should we do with this one?
We need to take down this statue to Rocky Balboa: he beat up 3 black men and a Communist.
Now that the statues are down, can you tell us how your life has improved? Take your time... I'll wait.
Trans w/Bachelors in Feminist Studies, crime record from Antifa, nobody will hire me: it's call Capitalisms fault!
I updated the Memes section. Life is short, why not mock it?
Antifascism is just fascism by another name. They incite or commit violence, and the left tolerated and supported it for years. They say they hate Trump because he's a fascist, but they love Antifa which are Anti-Capitalists who dress in black (like Fascists), to fight Fascists by emulating fascist tactics, commit acts of violence, disruption, vandalism, and beat up anyone they don't agree with.... just like fascists. Nope, that doesn't sound like the other far-left movement called Fascism... other than it is exactly like Fascism. For the exact same excuse: you need them to protect you from people like them. Just another group of violent leftists.