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Articles about Medicare.
Medicare : 2 items
Medicare-for-all popularity - FakeNews, "Medicare-for-all is popular", even in red states. RealNews: Medicare-for-all is popular amongst the uninformed. Support drops below 37 percent (58% opposed) if survey takers are told that the bill would eliminate private insurance companies. Instead of informing viewers/readers of that fact, or what it would mean, FakeNews outlets love to popularize that Medicare-for-all myth. That's not news, it's propaganda.
Medicare administration costs - The left will dupe their rubes/base by claiming Medicare administration costs are a fraction of private healthcare... they don't tell you they spend more per patient or case handled. Wait, what? Here's how their prestidigitation works:
- Private insurance is $5K per patient, and $300 of that is administrative costs, it looks like administration is 6% of costs.
- Medicare is about $15K per patient and $400 in administrative costs for Medicare, it looks like the percent is lower on medicare (2.6%).