From iGeek
Articles about India, a country with a rich history that many people know far less about than they think they do.
Here's a few articles on India: 6 items
Unintended Consequences - Every action causes a reaction. Some reactions are pleasant surprises, many are negatives, some are counter productive (perverse) and make the problem worse. Since consequences matter more than intentions, we have a social obligation to plan for them (and avoid them). The phrase "unintended consequences" is used as either a wry warning against the hubristic belief that humans can control the world around them, or more often against a really bad implementation of not-so-smart ideas or implementations. Those that deny unintended consequences are denying science (reality).
Milton Friedman goes to China - There’s a famous economics fable of Milton Friedman going to China or India, and what happens is another way to explain The Broken Window Fallacy, in a more Socratic way. Some refer to this as Shovels vs. Spoons. The story predates Milton, but he did tell variants of it and popularized it.
Jungle Book (2016) - I wasn't that interested in seeing the new live-action Disney Jungle Book: the original books being creepy and dark, with singing. But it was all the rage in India,so I checked Rotten Tomatoes and it was a high 95/92% approval, and I figured, I might as well see it, for social value. It was over-rated, but not bad.
India: Mass Murders - In strict gun-controlled India, they still us AK-47's and other illegal guns, but worse, they're more likely to use bombs and coordinated attacks, or even sabotage (train derailments). That and slow Police response times (due to infrastructure and traffic problems) results in much higher death rates than in many other countries:
There are about 900 attacks per year that result in ≈500 deaths per year average, or 10-100 times the U.S. Even adjusted for population, it's a way bigger problem, despite gun control. |
H-1B - There's a program called the H-1B visa. It’s a complete fraud, that I support. Sorta.
Buddhism - Buddhism: always working towards Enlightenment. Buddhism is based on one mans enlightenment, Buddha. The philosophy originated in India, but traveled to China, Japan and influenced much of the Orient. Many cultures have a mythology that goes along with the tales of their ancients, and Buddha is no exception, there is a lot of mythology associated with his life. But in the end, the ideas that stick are that of a human learn peace, self-discovery and enlightenment through meditation.