In God we trust
"In God we trust" first appeared on our money in 1864 on the two cent piece. But it took a while until we put it on all the bills. Still, it was used more and more over time until it was accepted as the national motto of the United States in 1956 (in response to Communism and the left's attacks on religion). Meme's like the one about this being new in 1956 are typical leftist dogma: it misleads the people that listen to them and think they have the whole story.
I found this interesting: as usual, a meme uses a half truth (at best). Never trust a meme, especially one from a political organization... this goes doubly true for leftist ones.
1864 - The treasury has a reasonable document that explains we first used the motto on coins in 1864 (on the two cent piece), and used it ever since.[1] (Though some years did not have it).
1956 - Finally, in 1956, a Democrat Majority in the House (84th Congress) and Senate, sent a bill to Ike to sign (which he did on July 30, 1956), making the long historic motto our "national motto" and to be included on printed bills as well as just coins, the pledge of allegiance, our national anthem, and on many other government printed material. (They didn't record the vote totals that I could find).
Leftist Tolerance - Once the marxist sponsored progressive hippie movement gained political steam, they started attacking all of our traditional values, and God and Country were among the top two targets:
So the tradition goes back at least a century and a half, not just a new invention in 1956. More than that, while a single phrase wasn't used before that, many phrases like that, would likely predate it (such recognition of a divine being by the government is not unusual, even if the phrasing was not yet standardized).
Thus people can support or oppose the motto -- just do so based on the facts: and the facts are the slogan goes back much further than some would like to mislead you into believing.
I personally am an atheist/agnostic, but I've never taken the slightest offense to such a motto, nor in saying the pledge of allegiance, or praying, and so on. To me it's a case of picking your battles, and if such things give anyone one extra moment of peace or happiness or a smile while on this mortal coil, then I support it and it is of no cost/sacrifice to me to do so.