Hillary All
Here's a list of Hillary's scandals (with links to more on each of them). These aren't meant as a balanced piece to show what good she's accomplished as a politicians or person (that would be a much shorter list), the intent is just to show the pattern of scandals that her detractors recognized and her proponents ignore. If you want the pro-Hillary spin just listen to her, the NYT, CNN or MSNBC, they carry her water for her.
Hillary Issues
This is an article about just a few of the "Issues" that Hillary has gotten into. Really, these are just the issues that aren't in one of the other topic areas Ethics, Greed, or Gaslighting. It's like the 7 deadly sins or something. I'm sure there's a few dozen or more examples that I, or the public will never know about.
- Hillary Clinton: 2nd Amendment
- Hillary Clinton: Benghazi
- Hillary Clinton: Body-count
- Hillary Clinton: Healthcare Reform debacle (1993)
- Hillary Clinton: It takes a village
- Hillary Clinton: Secretary of state (2009-2013)
- Memes-Hillary
Hillary Ethics
Saying Hillary and Ethics in the same sentence is an oxymoron, heavy on the moron. Vote how you want. People who can admit their sides flaws, but just think the others are worse, don't bother me at all. It's the ones that lie to others, or themselves that tend to annoy me. Here's just a taste of how she's behaved unethically in the past.
- Bill Clinton
- Chelsea Clinton
- Hillary Clinton: Allies & Appointments (1993-)
- Hillary Clinton: Bitch and Liar
- Hillary Clinton: Emailgate/Servergate (2009-)
- Hillary Clinton: Filegate (1993)
- Hillary Clinton: Fired from Watergate (1974)
- Hillary Clinton: Huma & Weinergate
- Hillary Clinton: IRS-gate (1993)
- Hillary Clinton: Pardongate (2000)
- Hillary Clinton: Saul Alinsky acolyte
- Hillary Clinton: Troopergate (1980-1993)
- Hillary Clinton: Vandals
- Hillary Clinton: Whitewater Scandal (1980-1990's)
Hillary Greed
This is an article about just a few of the times that Hillary has good greedy. I'm sure there's a few dozen more examples (if not more) that I, or the public will never know about.
- Hillary Clinton: Cattlegate: Futures Trading Miracle (1978)
- Hillary Clinton: Chinagate (1996)
- Hillary Clinton: Clinton Foundation
- Hillary Clinton: Giftgate (2001)
- Hillary Clinton: Lincolngate (1996)
- Hillary Clinton: Lootergate (2001)
- Hillary Clinton: Lootergate (2012)
- Hillary Clinton: Travelgate (1993)
Hillary Gaslighting
This is an article about just a few of the times that Hillary has not only lied, but tried to convince or accuse the other side is insane for even thinking such a thing.
- Birth of Birthers
- Hillary Clinton: Attacked a 12 year old rape victim
- Hillary Clinton: Bimbo squad
- Hillary Clinton: Divulges Nuclear Response Times
- Hillary Clinton: Go-Awaygate
- Hillary Clinton: What Happened?
- Hillary Quotes
- Paying thugs to assault people
- Russian Hackers