Is Trump a racist?
Let's start by reviewing what words actually mean:
Racism - ray•se•zem. noun: the belief that ALL members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Not-racism: Racism isn't dating, employing and marrying foreigners, or being a loudmouthed douche, it's not insulting an individual because you don't like them (even based on race, or something they said/did): that's just a personal attack. Those might be insensitive, but words have actual meanings. Mexicans aren't a race. Islam is not a race. The border wall or getting tough on illegal immigration isn't racism. It certainly wasn't labelled that when Bill and Hillary were for it. It's not winning awards for racial inclusiveness, hugging and hanging out with celebrities of other races, nor celebrating other races with monuments. So there's actually no real evidence of his Trump's racism, but lots of evidence of the self-deluded bias of his detractors, and the gullibility of their followers who repeat accusations without understanding them..
People that confuse Not-racism for Racism either:
- (a) don't know what they're talking about, and are conforming what they've been mis-educated on (media, school, cliques)
- (b) they know better and are using one of the most vile accusations in American culture to shut down an honest discussion or argument that they're losing
So to me, the false charge of racism shows either the dishonesty, gullibility or bigotry of those making the charge, unless they can back it up with firm and clear examples, that don't fall apart under the slightest scrutiny.
So now that we are reminded what the words actually mean, let's review examples of what the FakeNews and #NeverTrump'ers have called racism: Racist Trump : 12 items
Robert E. Lee - Trump does a speech in Ohio, on how great Ulysses S. Grant was (an Ohio native). And to do so, you mention the greatness of the foes he overcame: so in passing, he mentioning that Robert E. Lee was a great general... and was defeated by Grant. NBC spun that sentence fragment into a “WATCH: President Trump says ‘Robert E. Lee was a great general’ during Ohio rally, calling the Confederate leader ‘incredible.'” -- and creates a twitter and media storm about how tone deaf and racist Trump is. Only Trump said that Grant was the "incredible" one. It took NBC two days to quietly retract -- but, as usual, there are 3,000 retweets and 6,000 likes of the FakeNews before the correction, and the distracted are on to other things.
Baltimore - Trump tweeted (paraphrased) two facts: (1) "Rep, Elijah Cummings (D) bullied border agents about conditions at the Southern Border (2) Cummings Baltimore district is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. And maybe he should focus on cleaning up that dangerous & filthy place. Well, the left and their media (CNN, NBC, NYT, and other FakeNews) hates truth. So they screamed, "Racism" to distract. To them, it's irresponsible of the President who has done more to help the black community than any other in my lifetime, should point out we should do more to improve the conditions of black citizens in Baltimore?
Bernie Sanders, Orkin Pest Control, NYT, PBS, Elijah Cummings, all complained about the "infestation" before Trump did. Are they racist too? The Trump administration gave $16B in 2018 to help with the problem, was that racist? The left can't stop with the Fake Racism attacks, and would rather attack Trump than address real problems for minorities. So who are the real bigots?
Are Trump voters racist? - Dennis Prager had a great point / litmus test. If you want to know if that Trump supporter is racist, it’s pretty easy. Ask Trump or Trump supporter 3 simple questions:
- Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?
- Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?
- Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?
A white racist would prefer the whites in each case. If they don’t, then they’re not a racist, and the accuser is a bigot if they didn’t ask and get the facts first. I don't know of a single conservative that would have a problem with the black conservatives (or they could be Latino, Asian, Indian, etc.). I'm sure they're out there, I've just never met one.
Charlottesville Race Riot - There's always two sides to History, that of the informed and the other side. The latter may be well intentioned, but if they don't know why something is happening, then their anger, frustration and venting is all misdirected at the wrong thing. Hate is taught, and the left is being taught hate through the media (disinformation). Just about everything the left has raged against (in Charlottesville) shows which side they're on, and it isn't truth. Especially the charade that the Trump is a racist and praised the Neo-Nazi's when he actively denounced them in his first Press Conference.
Cohen v. Trump - Context matters. While in a fraudulent lawsuit over Trump University, against a law-firm whose principals maxed out their donations to Hillary Clinton, and paid the Clinton’s hundreds of thousands more in speaking fees, Trump's lawyers proved a point that should have ended the case right there. But an Obama Appointed Judge (Gonzalo Curiel), who is involved with many latino advocacy groups/causes, and was involved with the opposing lawyer in the past, refused to recuse himself. Then decided the lawsuit should go-on anyways. Trump's lawyers are livid over the, "manifest disregard for the law", and Trump is later forced to settle (to eliminate the campaign distraction). While this is still ongoing, Trump was asked about it by Jake Tapper (CNN), and Trump mentioned the judges latino/background as possible motivation for the bias, and the left goes nuts. To the left, your heritage has nothing to do with it... unless it was Obama lawyers arguing against Judge A. Ashley Tabaddor (and they forced her to recuse herself from all Iranian immigration cases, because she was Iranian), or when Obama and the left are using race as an excuse for ignoring questionable rulings of Sonia Sotomayor. Back then they argued that of course heritage / cultural bias exists, but it is necessary to get that balance on the Supreme Court. So once again the left wants to play it both ways -- when their side is saying there's cultural bias, it's fine -- but when the other side does it for more cause, why it's racism.
Is Trump racist for building a wall? - A: It could be, depending on your motives. If your motive is that you think all latinos are inferior to whites, and that's why you want to keep them out, then it could be racism. When FDR started it, or Bill/Hillary Clinton's campaigned on it (calling it a fence), or Obama demanded better border security, the Democrats didn't call it racism. In order to show it is racism, you'd need to show that Mexicans are a race, and that Trump doesn't like the entire Mexican people. But racists don't usually hire, hug Mexican voters, and celebrate lowering latino unemployment. Anyone who cares, knows that Trump is fine with legal immigrants (though probably less so than I am), just not illegal immigration. So unless you have evidence against the more likely scenarios, assuming the worst shows the bigotry of the accuser more than the accused. But that won't stop/slow the media left from doing it. This article going into some of the hypocrisy and history of "building the wall".
Muslim Ban - This was another delusional lie, that Trump was a racist because of a muslim ban. Ignoring that "Muslim" is not a race so it can't be racism, the facts are that the most populous Muslim Countries (like Indonesia) were not included: so it wasn't a Muslim ban. It named a few middle easter countries that were all flagged during the Obama administration as places where we could not vet the people coming in, and their governments were either hostile, corrupt, or non-existent -- and thus not trustworthy to do any responsible vetting. Trump said, moratorium until we could figure out better vetting. That's not racism, that's called common sense. (My Dad is muslim, and in one of those countries. It still makes sense to vet people coming from places where people want to kill you).
Racist attack on The Squad - Trump insults the fab-4 of Anti-Americanism: the far left progressive caucus that's going to get him re-elected. His quip against their (freshmen Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley) constant dishonest rants about how bad America is, and how great everywhere else is, is the age old comment, "you should go fix there first", only he added "and then come back and show us how it's done". Idiots like AOC pretended that this was about race and that Trump didn't know where they were from and was telling all people of her kind to get out. It was more personal/targeted than that. FakeNews outlets like CNN propagated the lie in their headline and omitted key context. But anyone who read his tweets knew better, which is why CNN intentionally didn't link to the source. CNN's pundits made the same claim about Melania, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (before and after Trump): proving either CNN is racist, or this kind of attack is normal fare in politics and on CNN. Only when Republicans do it, it's racist. Pelosi escalated to try to create a resolution condemning these xenophobic tweets (rolls eyes), this is all to cover for the anti-American sentiments of the freshman democrats.
Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses - Some have argued all this American xenophobia is new and has gotten worse, or is because of Republicans. Didn't we used to say, "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Nope. That's a fictional history invented by progressives to cover up for their past. An oversimplification of our history is that Democrats/Progressives/Left have tried to exclude people unlike them, outlawed Asian immigration, created our quota system, interned people unlike us (Japanese, Italians, Germans) -- going back to 1790. But it was the Republicans that have both loosened the restrictions (while also demanding enforcement) of the laws we do have. If the people coming in were like you, it was fine. If they weren't like you, they generally got pushed to their own areas of the city/country/state. This article covers a few pieces of history, glossed over in the poem about your tired, poor, huddled masses, yearning to be free.
Trump Rally Violence - There's claims that Trump advocated violence at his rally's -- but that's not the whole context. Here's the facts: Hillary and the Democrats paid violent protestors to go to Trump Rally's and make scenes or beat people up. Trump said in his sloppy ways that if one of his protestors punched a guy in the face (who had first assaulted other people) or roughed them up on the way out (after they had assaulted other people) that he'd pay their legal bills. Fake News and Fake Fact Checkers omitted the context and claimed that Trump urged violence at his rally's. No, he urged defense and counter-violence against paid violent thugs that the Democrats put in his rally's, and omitting that context is a lie of omission. Defense against paid antifa thugs, isn't advocating for violence, and it isn't racist since the majority of them are white.
Trump vs refugees - Don't even get started on this canard, it doesn't end well for Democrats. Immigration is a highly complex issue, and not everyone against more of it, is racist or a xenophobe. Being anti-refugee isn't racist. Trumps position is too extreme for me, but protecting Americans of all races against mass immigration (which hurts the people on the bottom of the economy), or reduces migrants from places where they've stated they want to kill us (and we can't properly vet them), isn't racism. You don't have to agree with the policy, but at least admit Americanism/Nationalism isn't racism -- and if it is, the Dems are a lot worse than Trump on this one.
Weijia Jiang - CBS FakeJournalist Weijia Jiang (the female Jim Acosta) tries to make every story about her, and has a record of lying to get attention. Examples include claiming: Trump used the n-word on tape, someone in the Trump administration called the coronavirus the “kung flu” to her face. During a press conference claimed that Trump had botched testing so he could open up the economy (which wasn't about lives or jobs lost, depression, suicides, etc), in response to why the lives were being lost Trump retorted, "ask China" -- and She pretended he'd only said that because she was Chinese. Even other left wing reporters (except CNN who ran with the lie) admitted Weijia was out of line.
Everyone says so - not everyone, just democrat Fake News outlets like NYT, WaPo, MSNBC or CNN) that keep making the unsupported and false allegations. But if you watch closely when rarely asked to prove it, they don't back it up with specific claims, more with a vague "pattern" that you can't nail them down on. The infamous dog whistle that only the left can hear and can't support with hard data but fuzzy things like he once had a lawsuit (that every real estate developer in NYC). Then they forget to mention that they are under more supported allegations of racism themselves -- so by their standards, they are worse. And unsupported allegations, and failure to disclose, are breaking journalistic ethics standards and would get you flunked out of J-school. [1]. Trump makes fun of a disabled person is an example of how dishonest the media is. People who know the whole story, know that Trump may be a loudmouth who overstates things, but that's not the same as being a racist (or someone that mocks the disabled). Those claiming otherwise are uninformed or liars. |
Trade rhetoric - Even if I'm more free trade than Trump, anti-trade rhetoric isn't racism, even if it is insensitive. Yes, Trump's, "tough on trade" positions with Mexico or China are sometimes abrasive. But it's not materially any different that the rhetoric that Bernie or Hillary has said[2], just he's more blustering in his solutions. If you throw Bernie, Hillary or other Democrat quotes out on Trade, and ask about them, Democrats will say, "that's racists", then you point out that it wasn't Trump but one of the others, and you see how firm their ethics really are. |
Mexicans are all rapists - Trump never said it, the media said he said it. So it is often repeated and thoroughly debunked, and if anyone repeats it, they discredit themselves as either ignorant or a polemic. Even far left Politifact admits he didn't say it -- he said some illegal immigrant "are good people" and some are not their best and brightest (drug dealers and rapists). We know this by incarceration records and how many illegal aliens are in prison. [3] The fundamental truth is that Mexico has like 5x our murder rate, and the Age of consent is 12. If you allow large swaths of unvetted Mexicans in, then assuming immigrants are no worse than their national average (which is false, as illegals are more likely to be on the bottom), that would still mean they would be much more murderous and rapey than our general population. The solution to that is to make them go through a vetting process, so we're only taking the above average, or else we're lowering our own. Those are facts and math isn't racist. |
Child Separations - This is another fallacy of the left. First, it's not racist to separate children from adults that broke the law. Every imprisoned criminal has the same thing, regardless of race. Second, child separations are down under Trump over Obama, and the left had no problem. Now Obama changed to catch and release at the end of his administration, and they're up over that, but not over the average -- and it's not racist to enforce immigration law. If you tell coyote's and immigrants that if they come with their children (or someone else's) that they'll be allowed in, then you'll increase human trafficking. The Open-Borders fanatics are fine with that, but the truth is you either enforce immigration laws, or you have defacto Open-Borders. And it's not racists to realize that you can't have a country and Open-Borders. |
Before you call someone a racist, you should be able to prove the claim, and Democrats haven't come close to doing that. They (dems and their media) use a beg the question fallacy: presume Trump is a racist, then see everything he does through their bias, even when there's much better explanations. The distortions are page one, the retractions (if ever) are page 20, and the people that don't know better remember the former.
Every one of their claims is based on an exaggeration or distortion, then they use that Gish Gallop of bullshit (sheer quantity) to convince the gullible -- "look at all those cases where we've falsely accused him of being racist! That wouldn't have happened if he wasn't racist". It only proves the dishonesty of the accusers, not the guilt of the accused. Hitler called that the big lie: a lie so audacious and so often repeated that the people believed it anyway. But they know their followers won't care about the facts, or looking deeper -- they are looking for something/someone/some reason to hate... and so a false charge is proof of guilt in leftist countries and kangaroo courts the world over.
So the whole racism charge is bullshit: there's zero evidence from these things that Trump is a racist, just because he questioned the judges objectivity in one case, or he believes in a border wall, or because he wants a ban from countries that have a lot of terrorists fanatics and we can't vet from, or that he admits illegal aliens commit more crimes than the average American, and so on. That doesn’t mean he is a racist -- it just means the people that call him a racist because of that are idiots that don't know what the word actually means.