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In 1980 Ted Turner started CNN, and put his left center spin on "the news". His later marriage to Hanoi Jane Fonda didn't help perceptions, nor did the newsrooms agenda convey a fully objective tone. He wanted to be the 24 hour version of the same left of center news outlets like CBS, ABC, NBC. So it was founded on his flavor of bias, and went downhill. It wouldn't be quite so bad, if they were just honest about it: but the faux air of objectivity, and denial of any bias, makes it worse.

History of Cable News Channels
  • CNN entered the left-wing propaganda-as-news market in 1980, and invented the 24 hour Cable News format, and started to gain respectability.
  • However, by 1996 Rupert Murdoch had recognized that the there was room for competition. Since CNN and the broadcast networks were all left leaning, there was a huge gap in the market for centrist to right leaning News, and Fox News was born.
  • MSNBC was started the same year as FoxNews, but with Fox going to the right of the other left-leaning News, and NBC's already leftward slant, they decided to carve their niche to the left of even CNN: where they floundered for decades... until after the election of Trump, and they got a huge influx of pouty Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers, that wanted their propaganda even less balanced than CNN.

With 5 mainstream left channels , and only 1 right leaning one (FoxNews), FoxNews flourished and quickly surpassed CNN. The others struggled under hyper-competition. There were just too many suppliers for the same consumers, and FoxNews was peeling away too much of the untapped center/right audience. If CNN had been smart, they could have pivoted to the center (or soft right) and peeled off some of FoxNews's audience (especially later as Fox News drifted more right wing) -- but CNN was founded by ideologues and instead devolved from soft left to hard left, and made blunder after blunder, as their market eroded away from them, and Fox News beat them in ratings for two decades.

CNN was squeezed from all sides. They had broadcast channels beating them on hard news coverage. On cable, they had MSNBC offering more far-left talk shows. FoxNews peeled out most centrists news and right leaning talkshows. Leaving CNN with small gaps in the middle. And they stupidly tried to fill those gaps with far-left Clinton and Obama cronies posing as Journos. So the right, far left, and center are all better served elsewhere: and Obama/Pelosi/Reid era suffocated the moderate left as a movement, leaving CNN without an audience (and their ratings reflect that). Efforts to be be like MSNBC with perma-trolls like Jim Acosta, grates on their historic audience, and any new audience that isn't emotionally 15 year olds. more...


FakeNews (Junk News or yellow journalism) is when legitimate stories or facts are suppressed, journalistic standards aren't adhered to, half truths are told, or a narrative spun to where the story becomes misleading or false. Think: manufactured crises, hoaxes, clickbait (sensational teasers/headlines with buried facts), bias or selective fact-checking, anonymous or paid sources, minor stories obscuring more significant news, delaying or ignoring newsworthy events, are all forms of FakeNews. Most retractions or corrections are evidence of shoddy standards and/or editorial bias creating FakeNews. What's even worse is the errors that don't get retractions. The lists are so big, I had to start grouping them.

While CNN occasionally does good reporting (or did in the past), this is about reminding folks of how they earned their reputation as the king of FakeNews:84 items

Weijia Jiang - CBS FakeJournalist Weijia Jiang (the female Jim Acosta) tries to make every story about her, and has a record of lying to get attention. Examples include claiming: Trump used the n-word on tape, someone in the Trump administration called the coronavirus the “kung flu” to her face. During a press conference claimed that Trump had botched testing so he could open up the economy (which wasn't about lives or jobs lost, depression, suicides, etc), in response to why the lives were being lost Trump retorted, "ask China" -- and She pretended he'd only said that because she was Chinese. Even other left wing reporters (except CNN who ran with the lie) admitted Weijia was out of line.

Tea Party - The railroading of the TeaParty is a great example of FakeNews. The TeaParty started under Bush, as a bunch of bi-partisan people angry at rising debt, and it escalated under Obama's trillion dollar porkulus. The media mocked them as radicals, racists and domestic terrorists and called them TeaBaggers (after the sexual practice of sucking testicles), and after 4 years of false stories were able to drive-out the moderates and democrats, leaving mostly the religious right (as they were used to being bullied and lied about). If you read places like Wikipedia, or listen to the left-wing news, you'll get none of that context/backstory (or history of how they moved right over time), leaving readers/viewers with a view that's quite different from reality. But their treatment by the media/left was a great example of the confluence of ignorance and arrogance about them and their issues.

Pizza man - There's a few examples of the media referring to Herman Cain as "Pizza Man". He got an MS in Computer Science, worked at Pillsbury, managing 400 Burger King's, where he did so well they promoted him to CEO of a restaurant chain (Godfather's Pizza: 1986-1996). He was also chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: 1989-1991 and 1995-1996, with Deputy Chair from 1992-1994. After that he was CEO of the National Restaurant Association (1996-1999). He was on the board of directors for: Aquila, Nabisco, Whirlpool, Reader's Digest, and AGCO. He won the Horatio Alger Award, and got honorary degrees from Creighton, Johnson & Wales, Morehouse, U of Nebraska, NYC College of Technology, Purdue, Suffolk, and Tougaloo. But sure, “Pizza Man” sounds like a credible unbiased News summary of his accomplishments.

Kavanaugh Hysterics -
From the moment of the announcement of Brett Kavanaugh being Trump's Supreme Court pick, the left was outraged for the high crime of believing in defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic (including when the Progressive agenda collides with the law of the land). The left-stream media (NBC, ABC, CNN, NYT) and the Democrat Politicians (Giffords, Warren, Schumer, Sanders) and activists (Hollywood, #Resist, etc) coordinated their attacks against Kavanaugh, and his character, long before any investigation had showed anything wrong with his rulings. In fact, they never really went after his rulings or professional credentials because they were impeccable. When you can't attack based on facts, then you attack based on made up or exaggerated character flaws like, "he drank beer in college", something Democrats have never had a problem with when their side did it.

Jared Lee Loughner - FakeNews Media (CNN, NYT, etc.) and the Democrats blamed Republicans (Sarah Palin) for a political ad with crosshairs target the district, for the shooting. Something Democrats had run multiple times as well. It came out that Loughner had never seen the ad, oh and he was a fan of Karl Marx, conspiracy theories, and far left political views. Also a known drug and alcohol abuser, sent letter threatening to assassinate Gifford. Stopped by Joseph Zamudio a CCW holder. For years, the media continued to blame Republicans/Sarah Palin after admitting the facts in other places. Palin sued NYT, but lost because NYT successfully used incompetence as a defense. (Their own editors and fact checkers couldn't be expected to read their own paper and know the facts).

Inciting Violence -
The left Gaslights by trying to cover up their bad actions, by blaming the other side for it. An example of this is claiming the right incites violence, and inferring the left does not. This pops up especially after mass shootings. A few examples to the contrary include: Antifa, Democrats on violence, Fake Hate, How do you start a race war?, ICE, Incel, Kent State, Paying thugs to assault people, Project Veritas exposes Bernie Sanders campaign, Protest funding, Real Hate, Robert Reich on race wars, Statuary Rape, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Twitter blocks Senate Majority Leader, and more.

ICE - The friend of your friend may not be your friend. And an enemy of your enemy, may not be your enemy. Many people on the left, are of the opinion that because Trump is for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), or because ICE sometimes does bad things, that ICE must be bad. The truth is that they do a needed service, but some of the laws, regulations or policies they are required to follow are bad. But that's a problem with the policy, not with the organization. The alternative to ICE, is violence. Many media outlets totally FakeNewsed their stories on the organization/issue.

COVID is a hoax - Politico ran a piece titled, "Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax’". (CNN, MSNBC, leftist polemics and politicians repeated it). This is a bald-faced lie, at a rally Trump called the effort to blame him for COVID a hoax. Even FakeNews Fact Checkers had to admit it.

COVID Models - There were models to teach us what we had to worry about with the Pandemic.
  • 2020.03.13 NYT had their model which predicted 9.4M infections at peak (100M overall), and 1M dead and 366K ICU cases. That was with Social Distancing, cancelling large events and work from home. Based on what actually happened, that was pure fear mongering.
  • 2020.03.17 Imperial College of London Covid-19 Response Team (Dr. Neil M. Ferguson) claimed even with Social Distancing & Quarantine, best case we would see 1.1 Million dead and Hospitals overwhelmed in America and worst case was 2.2 Million dead. FakeNews like The Intercept, NYT and CNN was hyping that.
  • 2020.03.14 The CHIME model (Penn Medicines: COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics), was for modeling individual Hospitals and regions, and later turned out to way over-estimate the demands. But the media was more focused on national rather than regional modeling, so it didn't get as much attention unless sensationalizing the local impact of the crisis.
  • 2020.03.26 The UW IHME (University of Washington, Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation), estimated 93K (39-177K) deaths, they dropped this to 82K (49-136K) on 04.07, and kept revising the numbers over time. While their initial projections in death rate were inflated, they were off by more on their Hospitalization and ICU beds (peak demand of 40,646 ICU beds, and a bed shortage of 23K ICU beds). They halved those projections over the next weeks, but were still off by 5-10x actual requirements. Regionally they were often worse.
  • 2020.03.29 Donald Trump said the death projections were between 100-200K, but we expected to get that down with the latest measures and upcoming treatments and the media was aghast. MSNBC (Chris Hayes) and others accused the President of lying or sandbagging (inflating numbers). But people called them on it, and pointed out it was Fauci, the task forces numbers based on the IMHE model, so that was shut down pretty quickly.

Atlantic City Mayor (D) resigns in disgrace -
Seal of Atlantic City, New Jersey.jpg
Another corrupt Democrat Mayor (Frank Gilliam Jr.) resigning in disgrace, after pleading guilty to stealing $87,000 from a local youth basketball program he co-founded. This is nothing new, as a prior Democrat Mayor (Robert Levey) falsifying his military record to receive $25,000 worth of benefits, and before that Democrat Mayor James Usry admitted to a campaign finance violations. Also not new, is that the leftstream media habit of always stressing party affiliation when a Republican does something bad, and burying it (like NYT did by only softly inferring it in paragraph 14 of an article), or omitting it completely (like CNN did). This is called a lie of omission and is a technique of FakeNews and Polemic Partisan Propagandists, not real news organizations.

2020.06.21 Bubba Wallace and the Noose - Wallace's team got hysterical and assumed racism because there was a "noose" in his Garage stall at Talladega Superspeedway, and he's black, so racism... it must be a bigot/hate crime. CNN especially, but other FakeNews outlets did double time on sensationalizing this... only the noose was there for months, and it was just a garage door pull, and was obviously not targeting him, since they had no idea who would have that garage. Then he went on to CNN and elsewhere to claim, "it was a noose" and double-down on dumb.

2019.12.29 White Settlement Church Shooting - After Keith Thomas Kinnunen (43) pulled out a shotgun and killed two people, Jack Wilson (71, Hero, NRA member and Trump supporter) quickly shot and killed the Texas church shooter a few seconds in, ending the confrontation and saving countless lives. The video of the event went viral because it was being live streamed and of how fast it all happened at the West Freeway Church of Christ, in White Settlement Texas (a Dallas/Fort Worth suburb). Multiple other people in the congregation had pulled guns and were prepared as well, which caused USA Today and other leftist outlets commented on how scary it was that so many churchgoers were armed and didn't die like good little proles. The shooter had a long criminal record, in multiple states, thus the gun was illegally owned (gun control didn't work). A few months ago, Democrats like Joe Biden had mocked Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for signing a bill into law that allows people in churches to be armed, preferring a much larger massacres to liberty and trusting your fellow man, this event proves them wrong. CNN and other FakeNews outlets misreported Jack Wilson as a cop -- while he was former reserve deputy sheriff and an owner/trainer of a firearms training academy, he was a civilian and not law enforcement.

2019.12.12 Trump Cyberbullies Greta - The far left (like CNN) is outraged that Trump is "Cyberbullying" Greta, by pointing out that a spoiled little school ditcher has "anger management" issues, and she should probably just relax and watch a movie, after she calls for Politicians to be put against the wall. Ignoring that's not really the criteria for cyberbullying (to the reasonable non-CNN watchers), Greta claims it was just a misunderstanding between Swedenglish (a mistranslation) that's the root of the problem, even though she's said worse a dozen other times, in many different ways. Oh, and they claim that Melania Trump is a hypocrite for wanting to protect her non-activist younger child from the ravages of a venomous Press, because she won't criticize her Husband for attacking political figures who made themselves the voice of a cause and attack him first. It's eye-rollingly dumb, but then again, this is CNN.

2019.10.27 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi -
The founder of ISIS, terrorist, rapist and murderer died by blowing himself up (and the children with him) as U.S. special forces were closing in. The leftstream media fucked up this victory as much possible:
  • Washington Post (Bezos Blog) reported it with the headline, "Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48" This generated a twitter storm (#WaPoDeathNotices) of mocking. Like, "Mohamed Atta, skilled aviator and leader of men, dies at 33.", and hundreds of other like examples of downplaying enemies of the U.S. and freedom. WaPo modified their headline, a couple of times, to settle on, "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, extremist leader of Islamic State, dies at 48."... which was a little better, but still had this "austere religious scholar" bullshit in the article, and showed how much they were downplaying the victory by the Trump administration by ending him.
  • MSNBC, took ISIS's side claiming this would help ISIS, and that it shows how bad Trump is.
  • NBC criticized Trump for "taking a victory lap" (unlike Obama, who did 30 laps when he finally got Bin Laden), and screwed up their SNL skit mocking Trump for supporting ISIS (as news of this was leaking out)
  • CNN put on discredited perjurer James Clapper to criticize the action and Trump.
  • NYT (and others) were outraged that Trump wouldn't inform the leakers and terrorist supporters in the DNC (Pelosi/Schiff) in advance of the raid. (While if it had leaked, and he'd gotten away because of it, they would have criticized the President for botching it). They also said this had nothing to do with his foreign policy, despite it obviously having to do with it.
  • Obama Photographer (Pete Souza) suggests Trump Situation Room Photo was doctored/made-up and not taken during the Baghdadi Raid -- and a bunch of leftwing sources jumped on that and retweeted it. It was shown that he was wrong and can't do time zones, but only after the damage was done and rubes on the left bought in.

2019.09.25 Hiding the Abortionist - FakeNews includes lies of omission and deciding newsworthy stories need to be buried or not reported on, because they contradict their political agenda. Like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, PBS all ignoring the story (NYT and CNN burying it) of an Indiana/Illinois abortionist (Ulrich Kopfer) who had died on Sept. 3., and then the remains of 2,246 aborted babies were founded neatly labeled and preserved (as trophies) in his Garage. Kopfer had lost his abortion license in 2015 for failing to report the rape of a 13-year-old patient and numerous other health violations. The only reason for considering that story not Newsworthy and suppressing it, is political agenda: which is also what they did about Gosnell. All the news that's fit to hide from the public, is not in any of the mastheads of these supposed News outlets, but it should be.

2019.09.20 Forced Hair Cutting - A 6th Grade Virginia Private school girl (who was black) accused three white classmates last week of forcibly cutting her hair... and that made national news. The FakeNews used it repeat their fabrications about national race problems or worse, coupled it to Jeff Pence (VP) and his wife. Racism is everywhere! Now the accuser admits the allegations were false. The problem isn't just with the people who cry wolf, it's with the media that sensationalizes these FakeNews stories for clicks (chasing the algorithm before fact checking).Some are more responsible with corrections than others, but corrections wouldn't be necessary if we had responsible journalism waiting to get the facts, instead of sensationalizing every accusation with national front page headlines, and back page retraction.

2019.09.09 Russian exfiltration - CNN did their usual anonymous source hit-piece against Trump, that his loose lips and leaking of information made the CIA exfiltrate (pull out) a key Russian asset, over fear of him being exposed (on CIA Director Mike Pompeo's orders). And of course that was backed up with other unnamed sources about "Wide concerns about Trump in intelligence community". (Vox, The Hill and The Guardian also regurgitate the story). In an extraordinary move, the CIA (no fan of Donald Trump's) responded by calling the story and CNN "misguided" and "simply false". The CIA went on to explain that the decision was made weeks before Trump took office in late 2016, but the source had refused, until months later and it was the media inquiries that convinced the source that he had to go (not Trump). So with the CIA calling CNN liars or fools, who are you going to believe? (Remember that CNN also completely blew past debacles like their Don Jr. Hysteria where they broke Don Jr. had advanced knowledge of Wikileaks: debunked with a simple date check. Or that 3 other reporters were forced to quit over their faked Scaramucci-Russia story.

2019.08.17 Elderly man beaten - In Oregon (of course), a middle-age man was maced, beaten and knocked unconscious while his partner or spouse was trying to protect him from the Antifa mob that surrounded them. They vandalized busses, and other stuff as well. Much of the media reported this as peaceful, or that it was provoked by a far right radical group for existing/speaking. But in a country with free speech, that should be defended, and the violence against them should be condemned, not the other way around -- like CNN and other left outlets have done.

2019.08.12 Fredogate -
Chris Cuomo, CNN's FakeNews reporter and socialist in chief, who got his job for being the Son of Mario Cuomo, and Brother of Andrew Cuomo (failed Governors of NY), got mad because someone called him "Fredo" after the "black sheep" in the fictional Corleone family fuckup (in the Godfather). Chris was outraged and was caught on video threatening to throw the guy down the stairs if he called him that again, and raged later that when this went viral, it was like the N-word to dagoes like him. Only it wasn't a slur against all dagoes.... it is a targeted slight against just the failure of a family (not at all alike). Trump Jr. mocked Chris for anger management issues and pointing out that RedFlag laws meant his guns should be taken away for his violence outburst, so the media defended Fredo. For the record: Chris had allowed the slur be used on his show without complaining about its severity, and he referred to himself as it on a radio show in the past, so it most definitely wasn't about the severity of the term. While CNN defended him and the outburst, everyone who can fog a mirror knows that if they were a real Journalistic institution, a reporter that makes the story about himself, isn't a good journalist... and if it had been a conservative that made the outburst, CNN would have attacked them relentless for weeks. So FakeNews doubled down with a side of hypocrisy.

2019.07.27 Baltimore -
Trump tweeted (paraphrased) two facts: (1) "Rep, Elijah Cummings (D) bullied border agents about conditions at the Southern Border (2) Cummings Baltimore district is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. And maybe he should focus on cleaning up that dangerous & filthy place. Well, the left and their media (CNN, NBC, NYT, and other FakeNews) hates truth. So they screamed, "Racism" to distract. To them, it's irresponsible of the President who has done more to help the black community than any other in my lifetime, should point out we should do more to improve the conditions of black citizens in Baltimore?

Bernie Sanders, Orkin Pest Control, NYT, PBS, Elijah Cummings, all complained about the "infestation" before Trump did. Are they racist too? The Trump administration gave $16B in 2018 to help with the problem, was that racist? The left can't stop with the Fake Racism attacks, and would rather attack Trump than address real problems for minorities. So who are the real bigots?

2019.06.18 CNN Pulls plug on uncomfortable truths - Trump's campaign launch rally was far bigger than all the 20+ Democrat ones, combined. while CNN and other outlets covered the Dem rants wall-to-wall, once Trump's crowd started chanting "CNN Sucks", CNN decided to talk over and cut away from a newsworthy event, because the truth didn't reflect well on them. It's not Trump's (or his audiences) fault that CNN made themselves part of the story with biased reporting and frauds like Acosta: they own that. Thus, while I don't think it's any sort of "Free Speech" issue or anything (CNN has the right to censor what they want), it does show that they're willing to twist the news or try to control the narrative. That means that they aren't a raw news agency but a agenda/propaganda based outlet, which is the very definition of FakeNews.

2019.05.21 Milkshake Assaults - There's been some recent assaults by Milkshakes: throwing Milkshakes at conservatives in the EU. While it sounds benign to the clueless, when someone is doing that, you don't know if the fluid is ice-cream or acid, nor of there's a solid or even a grenade in the cup. So this is not a harmless prank, and liberals would get that if someone was assaulting their heroes with frozen drinks, but their lack of introspection and consistent ethics makes them rationalize bad behavior against the other side. CBS, CNN and some other far left outlets are excusing/rationalizing the assaults as funny and tolerable.

2019.03.20 FOIA Requests - Biased News is Fake News, as is having different standards based on party. So a real Journalist (Brent Scher at Free Beacon), just did a simple thing: compared FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests to the EPA to see how many times media outlets fact checked or investigated Obama versus Trump. NYT did 4x as many request in Trump's first year, as Obama's entire last term. WaPo: went from 1 request for Obama's last term to 43 in Trump's first 2 years. Politico: 15 to 198. CNN 25 to 47. Buzzfeed: 18 to 38. ABC: 4 to 32. This is evidence of a double-standard that the observant have known about for decades.

2019.03.19 BestWeekEver - Jim Acosta whined about softball questions from the conservative media, after President Donald Trump didn't call on Jim. Sarah Sanders linked a tweet to #bestweekever where Acosta had a long winded oratory sex with Obama over what in Jim's mind was Obama's best week ever... exposing the hypocrite from CNN.

2019.03.14 Christchurch Shooting - 🇳🇿Christchurch, New Zealand: a left wing eco-nationalist (who hates Capitalism, Conservatism, and is Chinese Communist sympathizer) shot-up a couple mosques because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming. Because the shooter said he didn't like Donald Trump's politics or leadership, the media said he was a right wing Trump supporter. He had illegally modified guns, used guns instead of more effective bombs because he said that would turn the left into his tools in dividing nations like the U.S. over gun-control, and he was stopped/slowed at the second mosque because a good guy was able to get a gun and scare him off. (It was one the shooter had dropped). So the media does his bidding, calls for division and gun control, and ignores the role that a good-guy with a gun had in reducing the carnage. NZ threatens to punish anyone that makes the info about his true motives available.
Dead/Injured: 50/100

2019.03.08 Taped evidence of CNN lying - CNN posted a tweet saying HUD official Lynne Patton had the, "President's blessing to follow in his footsteps as a reality TV star" and was going to do it. Patton says she said the exact opposite, and offered the tape of their interview to prove it. She also corrected their FakeNews story that claimed she was Eric Trump’s wedding planner. CNN didn't retract, but offered a slight rewording of the headline, left the tweet up, and still misleads their audience.

2019.03.08 AOC Campaign Finance Scandal - 👮 Ocasio-Cortez and Saikat Chakrabarti (Chief of staff, former campaign chair), appear to have obtained majority control of Justice Democrats PAC in December 2017, raised more than $1.8M (and was responsible for her win), and illegally diverted more than $1M of those funds. If AOC and Chakrabarti withheld their control of that organization from the FEC to divert funds around campaign limits, they could face jail time. Either way, this is the Dark Money that AOC ran on curtailing. All the FakeNews misrepresented or omitted context on what happened: CNN, ABC, NBC, WaPo, BI, MarketWatch and Snopes.

2019.03.07 David Duke - The Grand Wizard of the KKK (emeritus), called Ilhan Omar, “[the] most important member of the US Congress”. Whenever Duke, Spencer or another racist said less about Trump or a Republican, the Democrat Media Complex goes off their rocker, "see RACIST!". CNN reported it 172+ times for Trump/Duke alone, zero for Ilhan. While I don't think a racist saying they agree with you on something automatically makes you a racist, the hypocrisy of the left having two standards is offensive: pick one standard for both sides.

2019.03.06 Stacked Panel - Not satisfied with giving their preferred candidate debate questions in advance, CNN also makes sure their "panel of Democrat voters" are filled with 50% far left activists. Not disclosing that is dishonest propaganda that would get an F grade in any J-school in the country (and this was the 3rd time in recently history). Fortunately, CNN management and their viewers don't hold them to any journalistic standards.

2019.02.25 Stacked Panel - CNN presented a panel of "Democrats and Independents", violating a basic tenet of Journalism (disclosure) when it turns out the panel was actually public policy intern, fundraising and political activist committees, chairs of various county DNC's, and the like. (All people that wouldn't be Bernie's biggest supporters as part of the establishment DNC). These were NOT just Maryland voters.

2019.02.04 CNN attacks UN Ambassador for being like them - Heather Nauert (UN Ambassador candidate, to replace Nikki Haley), because while she was at CNN she hosted a “panel on Sharia law conspiracies”, and names 3 people, that CNN had on shows on their network, more recently, in the same capacity.

2019.02.01 Va. Gov Ralph Northam.jpg
2019.02.01 Va. Gov Ralph Northam - Poor Ralph, the Democrat Governor for Virginia, got caught dressing up for Halloween in blackface (1984). Of course CNN reported him as a Republican, but like many racist politicians, he is devoutly Democrat. The NYT tried to spin it as "Dark Makeup", as if his smokey eye got out of control. So long Ralph, we hardly knew ya.

2019.01.29 Jussie Smollett - 💩 Jussie (star on show TV show "Empire") was allegedly attacked in Chicago, in what was initially being investigated as a hate crime. The first report was 2 men in ski masks making racial and homophobic slurs, assaulted him, poured bleach on him, and put a noose around his neck -- then stopped the attack for no reason. (Claims of them saying "this is MAGA country" were added later). Those with any skepticism wondered things like (a) what are white Trump supporters doing in sub-zero Chicago gay neighborhood ambushing a guy they seemed to know (b) then stopping for no reason (c) Why wouldn't Jussie share his phone records, drop his sandwich bag during the assault, or take off the noose off after going home and waiting more than 20 minutes to call the cops? The haters accused the skeptics of being racist for asking obvious questions -- but the story is falling apart, as is seems that Jussie staged the whole thing because he was going to be cut out of his TV show, and wanted to make it harder to fire him (the pity and famous name scam).

2019.01.28 More Press Briefings to ignore - CNN whines on one day that they need more press briefings, then they (or MSNBC) won't break into their far-left opinion shows, to show those briefing live, preferring to mis-paraphrase or omit context at their will (trying to forward their message, instead of honestly sharing the administrations message).

2019.01.28 Acosta Rips Sanders - Appearing on CNN with Brooke Baldwin, CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta couldn’t resist taking a swipe at White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, saying she doesn’t live in the “real world.” That's fine for an OpEd writer, but no real reporter would show that kind of blatant bias.

2019.01.25 Roger Stone - In a show of force, Roger Stone was arrested for being an associate of Trump, with 29 armed officers, in tactical gear and armored vehicles, fanning out like they were taking down a terrorist organization and not a 66 year old politico that had been cooperating with the investigation. And to show their corruption, the FBI had first coordinated with far left CNN, to be on the scene.
    • When Roger Stone used virtually the same words to describe the event as CNN did in saying, "the FBI stormed his home", CNN fact checked him by denying their own reporting, and claiming the FBI "knocked on his door".

2019.01.24 MAGA same as KKK - Far left Cuomo let far-far-left James Barrett say that MAGA hat is frustrating because it's "as maddening and frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a KKK hood." MAGA folks have not lynched anyone like the militant arm of the DNC (the KKK) has. Quite the opposite, like in the Covington case, they were the polite and civil ones, the media and the far left allies were the caustic bullies sending death threats.

2019.01.24 Godfather II - CNN keeps making accusations of witness intimidation, with no evidence other than Trumps shit-tweets? Playing a clip of Godfather, and likening it to Donald Trump does nothing to help your credibility as a news channel, but a lot to make you indistinguishable from Comedy Central.

2019.01.11 Acosta Border Wall - Acosta goes to the border to diminish Trump's claim that there's a crisis... and proves that the Wall helps. e.g. he goes to a section where 'The Wall' has been built and notices how good and safe things are. Duh!

2018.12.22 Govt. Shutdown - The shutdown isn't FakeNews, but everything around it is.
  1. People were missing their paychecks since the start: they didn't miss their first one until Jan 14th
  2. That when Govt. shuts down, it is always the Republicans fault -- this is the Democrats shutdown.
  3. This would cause catastrophe, and exaggerated stories of suffering (that few would notice without the fake medias histrionics). But the stock market is up, and most people don't care.
  4. They hammered Trump because his approval ratings dropped -- skipped the part where Pelosi's (Dems) dropped even more.

2018.09.23 Stacked Panel - CNN presented a panel of what "Republican women" (or Republican Voters) thought of the Kavanaugh hearing. 2 of the 6 were Republican operatives -- which is completely dishonest framing, a journalistic no-no.

2018.08 Mollie Tibbetts - A University of Iowa student disappeared and is found murdered by Cristhian Rivera a repeat felon illegal alien on, while jogging near her home in Brooklyn, Iowa. Since this doesn't fit the lefts false narrative that there are no deplorable illegals, CNN and other outlets ignore the story for many days and only covered it by spinning that the only reason FoxNews or the right cares is because she's white, or later that the problem was 'Toxic Masculinity'. NYT spun it other than murder, poor Rivera was 'A very good person, a simple guy with no vices', and blamed Trump for seizing on the murder for Political Gain (like they had done by suppressing the story).

2018.08 McCain memoriam - After smearing McCain during the 2008 election as mentally unfit, temper ridden, wife abuser, sexist, and so on, because he and Trump didn't get along, the media suddenly love McCain and spin everything as Trump slighting this wonderful war hero. McCain was a bitter little man that made sure the President or his running mate weren't invited, multiple people littered the funeral with petty barbs against Trump, and this is all Trump's fault.

2018.07.12 Immigration mistranslation - As part of a FakeNews series on Cagegate and child separations, CNN asks a mother how her son is doing in immigration detention. Her response in Spanish, "He's doing very well". What CNN translators claim she said, "She says he wants me to be with him. And prays to God to make the day shorter, so we can be together".

2018.07 Supreme Court Politicization - To address the Kavanaugh confirmation problem with how the Democrats have been politicizing the Supreme Court (and Justice process) and undermining the Constitution since the turn of the 1900's, Jeffery Toobin tried to invent the excuse that it was because life expectancies had been increasing.

2018.05 Cagegate - This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages. The omitted reality was criminals (border jumpers) have always had the kids separated from the adults, as you aren't sure who are parents, and detaining both in the same place risks harm to children. The media even used faked propaganda images from Obama era to sell it.

2018.02.28 Nunes Memo - The Republicans voted to release the Nunes memo which said that the FBI abused power and lied to the FISA court, and mislead the public. Democrats like House Speaker and serial liar Nancy Pelosi and their Media at the time all cried foul, and said it was not true: that Nunes was making it up, and Adam Schiff released a counter-memo ("Correcting the Record") that said the Nunes memo was false. After the IG DOJ FBI Report and the House Transcripts were finally released (years later) it fully vindicated Nunes and his memo, and shows that Pelosi, Schiff, and the media that supported them were all frauds and liars (at best).

2018.02.08 Cody Shearer - CNN claims Cody Shearer (the private intel operative for Hillary Clinton, and the author of Dossier #2), was an "independent journalist." He hasn't been an active journalist in DECADES, this is like referring to Adolf Hitler as an artist.

2018.02.02 Dossier Origins - Over a year and a half after the Steele Dossier was shown to be the creation of the Clinton campaign, Jim Sciutto at CNN is still repeating the lie that it was created by the Republicans.

2018.02 South Korean Olympics - There was fawning over the North Korean Brutal Dictator's (Kim Jong Un's) younger Sister (Kim Yo Jong) as the "Korean Ivanka", getting both the familial relationship, accomplishments and politics wrong (other than mass murder, prison camps, assassinations, and one of the most oppressive regimes in the world). Adoration for the North Korean Cheerleaders, giving state sponsored enthusiasm under the penalty of life in a work/prison-camp if they embarrass the regime. And forgetting to inform their readers of how serious this is for them, or reminding folks that fascist dictators could always put on big displays (like Greek Columns for their inauguration, or proclamations of stopping the Ocean's rise). And Vice President Pence's Olympic trip as a 'missed opportunity' for Korean diplomacy, which got much better under Trump than it was under Clinton or Obama.

2018.01 Fire and Fury - Michael Wolff’s wrote a error-filled hit-piece of a book against Trump, with zero credibility, so CNN promoted it and fawned all over Wolff. (Something they never do for more factually correct conservative authors). CNN's Brian Stelter attacked the RNC for quoting him with, “Real factual errors … makes you wonder about the overall content"... then Stelter had to mea culpa, when they proved he had actually said it.

2017.12 Jeff Sessions lied about Russia - CNN and the DNC spent a ton of time making a big stink in May about Jeff Sessions lied about contact with the Russians and called for Sessions to retire over this. Sessions pointed out he met them in his duties as Senator, and that was legally excluded by the FBI from disclosure. The CNN "experts" called him a liar, and it was a big story for a month. Then in December, CNN had to quietly admit that the evidence shows Sessions was right all along. The usual front page allegation, back page retraction... and CNN viewers got more ignorant by watching the channel.

2017.12 Cheers Democrat in Election - To show their non-biased professionalism, when the Democrat Doug Jones takes the lead in the Alabama special election (over Moore), cheers can be heard on the set.

2017.10 This is an Apple - CNN tried to combat their perception as FakeNews, by claiming that they're purveyors of truth, and those saying they aren't are liars, with "This is an Apple" ad campaign. Which started a trend of ads and meme's mocking them. The campaign is quickly dropped.

2017.09.29 FakeNews Twitter - CNN claimed that FakeNews on Twitter is what allowed Trump to win the 2016 elections: the study was debunked.

2017.09.28 Boobgate - CNN reporter was shocked when a radio jock said that he loved boobs... then gushes over Hugh Hefner after he died.

2017.08.18 Antifa Apologism - After years of calling the Tea Party "tea baggers", or misrepresenting the alt-right, they wrote a 100% sympathetic piece of propaganda promoting antifa, after months of not reporting violence at their events or agenda. "These poor enraged kids are fighting for a good cause, just not in a good way".

2017.06.04 Staging Protest - Becky Anderson fakes a News Report in London, or they got caught staging protests for the camera, or they use green screens or split screen to pretend they're somewhere they aren't, all to manipulate the public. Their defense was "everyone does it".

2017.06.01 Paris Climate Accord - The ACLU moronically claims that pulling out of the do-nothing Paris Climate Accord was fostering racism, other outlets claim it's the end of civilization (or American leadership). If they could do basic economics, they'd remember that the 400,000 jobs that the billions of dollars to Paris would have cost, would most likely have to come from somewhere, and that's usually those on the bottom end of the employment scales (which are often minorities). Every place that repeated that claim without mocking it, was propagating FakeNews.

2017.05.11 Trump gets 2 scoops of Ice cream - According to Time and CNN's breaking news, Trump likes 2 scoops of Ice cream, while everyone else at the table gets only one. Unvetted rumors of the President being an ice cream hound isn't news, despite CNN devoting multiple segments to it. This is an epitome of FakeNews.

2017.03 Over 2,000 Bomb Threats - In the first few months of 2017, many Jewish centers in the U.S. (UK, Oz, NZ, and Norway) were receiving Bomb threats and far left organizations like the ADL and various media outlets said it was like the work of "right wing Christians in the United States", or on CNN Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D) said, "Donald Trump Supporters". Remember, each event was counted as an individual hate crime according to the Fear-Industrial-Complex. Finally, in March a 19-year-old Jewish Israeli-American named Michael Ron David Kadar was arrested. He had been perpetrating many of them because he was rejected from the Israeli Defense Forces over mental health issues and a brain tumor. And Juan M. Thompson (a former journalist for The Intercept) was also arrested for many more: he was trying frame a woman he'd dated.

2017.02.09 FakeNews - CNN uses ‘Fake News' widely to attack Trump/Conservatives, then claims the term is like using the N-Word when Trump uses it back (with more justification). Then when Bernie Sanders uses the 100 year old term and jokes that CNN is "Fake News", they 'accidentally' lose his connection.

2017.01.02 Fallout 4 - In order to show how serious this Russia Hacking thing is, CNN used screenshots from Fallout 4, as a graphic, because nothing says quality news like made up photos from a game, to show the seriousness of the issue! Not good optics.

2016.12.21 Kicked off Delta for speaking Arabic - Adam Saleh (known hoaxer) claimed he got kicked out of a Delta flight because he spoke Arabic to his mom. Media outlets ran with Saleh’s story without checking the source. They were really kicked off for yelling back and forth after being asked to be quiet, and not following directions, and then they started filming claiming they were victims.

2016.11.13 Indiana Church Grafitti - David's Episcopal Church in Bean Blossom (40 miles out of Indianapolis) had "Fag Church", "Swastika" and "Heil Trump" spray painted on it (the church recognizes Gay Marriage). It later came out that George "Nathan" Stang is a gay man that did it to get attention in a False Flag effort. CNN and USAToday sensationalized the story, and USAToday tried to correct the record.

2016.11.10 Black mob beats white guy for voting for Trump - David Wilcox was beaten (and dragged through the streets) for being a Trump Voter in Chicago. Unlike the later Jussie Smollett case, this assault was a real hate crime in Chicago, and the national media had no interest.

2016.11.01 Greenville, Mississippi black church fire - Right before the election, a Greenville, Mississippi church (Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church) was set on fire and spray painted with the words “Vote Trump”, by Andrew McClinton. Of course all the leftist FakeNews outlets (Atlantic, NYT, CNN, SPLC) ran sensational headlines about how bad Trump and his white supremacist supporters were to foster such hate. Only it came out later that it was done by one of the churches black congregants, who hated Trump and it was a false flag effort. Many quietly updated their story, or ran a retraction a month after the damage had been done. SPLC left it on their hate map to mislead the public about how bad the problem is.

2016.10.31 Election Tampering - CNN’s Donna Brazile fed Hillary Clinton the debate questions ahead of debate. CNN/Donna denied it, it was later proven. It took CNN about a month to reluctantly fire her after so many years of polemic service.

2016.10.17 Illegal to read Wikileaks - CNN's Chris Cuomo moronically says it's illegal for the public to look at Wikileaks, but it's different for the media (so trust them to filter for you). Both are wrong. Even left of center WaPo had to admit that was FakeNews. In the name of journalistic standards, he was never fired, nor issued a retraction or apology.

2016.08.16 Calling for peace? - CNN falsely claims (and edits a video to show), Sherelle Smith and Kimberly Neal were “calling for peace” amidst riots in their neighborhood. Only they were clearly not. In the unedited video they said, , “Y’all burning down shit we need in our community. Take that shitt to the suburbs. Burn that shit down.” (1) CNN didn't offer a correction or apology, they just edited what they said, on the sly. (Not Journalism) (2) Their "correction" was still wrong.

2016.05.06 Birth of Birthers - Fact checkers (CNN, Politifact, Snopes, FactCheck) answered whether Hillary originated the Birther movement, and exonerated her. It was only her top strategists plan and her campaign staffers, but not her personally -- so they pretended that Trump was lying to imply she had anything to do with creating these rumors that her campaign gleefully twisted and spread. So dishonest.

2016.02.04 University of Albany Race Hoax - Two black female college students (Ariel Agudio and Asha Burwell), and a Latina (Alexis Briggs) were BLM supporters, claimed to be victims of an assault by a group of whites. They made it up after assaulting a white woman first. The girls were convicted, fined, suspended, made to do community service, and put on probation. Hillary had tweeted about it, CNN covered it, never issued apology.

2015.11.26 Trump and Disabled Reporter - 💩 WaPo "fact checked" Trump on a claim about arabs in NJ celebrating after 9/11, and claimed it was false. (That was FakeNews too). The reporter that did the fact check had written an article detailing the celebrations back in 2001. Trump mocked WaPo stammering trying to walk back their lie and used a common gesture of his: flailing arms that he'd used many times before to animate being flustered. Instead of apologizing and correcting their error, WaPo, CNN and other FakeNews outlets still-shotted the video of his hand position (with his wrist bent) and claimed he was mocking the reporters disability. The reporter did have a bent wrist, but not a flailing problem. They claimed because Trump might have met the guy, 30 years earlier in one of hundreds of interviews he'd done with the financial Press, that he knowingly mocked him. They ran that as their story for weeks, instead of the retraction/correction that they owed Trump, and they omitted all the key context, so their gullible readers/viewers still believe to this day the FakeNews version, and none seem to remember what actually happened and why.

2014.08.09 Michael Brown - CNN and other networks totally mislead the public with Michael Brown as a"Gentle Giant" and "hands up, don't shoot" falsehoods, many years after it's been proven to be false.

2013.06.01 IRS Abuse Scam - During the 2012 Obama election, the Obama Administrations IRS agents targeted conservative not-for-profit political filings, and the blocked them getting their status (to successfully interfere with our election), CNN spun the story as it was "2" low-level folks and completely a regional problem". Later it turned out to be 88 folks that ran the center which controls 401(c)(d)'s for the entire nation.

2013.05.16 Open Border Hillary - Wikileaks leaked the text of private, paid speech to a Brazilian bank where Clinton said: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..." 3 years later, Politifact, FactCheck and CNN were claiming that Hillary never said or meant it, and spent their energies defending her reputation instead of communicating what was said and leaving it up to their readers.

2012.07.13 You didn't build that - One of the defining phrases of the Obama Administration was Obama's attack on private companies which went, "You didn't build that"... basically you owe government for the company you created since they supplied the infrastructure needed. The truth is the opposite, without government we'd still have commerce and industrious individuals, but without commerce and people to tax, there is no government. Government is the parasite with delusions of grandeur. The FakeNews / far-left / Democrats lied and claimed Obama was only talking about roads and bridges, when he clearly said, "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that".

2005.02.11 U.S. targets journalists - CNN Director Eason Jordon was forced to resign after falsely claiming the U.S. (and Iraq) were intentionally targeting innocents and journalists in Iraq.

2005- Uranium One Payola -
    • In 2005 Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra (head of UrAsia Energy and long time Clinton friend) and Bill Clinton go to Uranium rich Kazakhstan to help with a non-existent humanitarian "HIV/AIDS" crisis. A few days later, Hillary Clinton (Senator and member of Senate Armed Services Committee), threatens to withhold aid to Kazakhstan until a UrAsia mining deal goes forward. One day later Kazatomprom (the atomic energy agency for Khazakhstan) awards the contract to UrAsia making them the world’s largest uranium mining producer. 6 months later Giustra donates $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation. Nothing suspicious there.
    • Then the head of Kazatomprom (Mukhtar Dzhkishev), Bill Clinton and Frank Giustra meet at Bill's Chappaqua residence to work out a new deal: Uranium One buys UrAsia Energy Ltd for $3.1 billion in a reverse merger... and Giustra announces a commitment to donate $100 million + half future profits to the Clinton Foundation ($145 million total to the Clintons). Still nothing concerning to the leftist media.
    • Then a 3rd deal in 2009, when Rosatom (Russia's State Atomic Energy Corporation), wants to secure a 17% ownership stake in Uranium One, marking the beginning of an aggressive campaign to control the U.S. uranium market. Kazatomprom balks (not wanting Russia to control their assets), and Putin pressures the Kazakhstan government to arrest head of Kazatomprom (former Clinton guest Mukhtar Dzhkishev) on Uranium One deal corruption charges, at the same time that Clinton's State Department threatens to withhold financial aid to Kazakhstan if the deal doesn't go through. Which results in the Rosatom purchase proceeding quickly. Over the rest of 2009, Hillary Clinton intervenes on multiple other occasions on behalf of Uranium One/Rosatom in favor of the sale of U.S. uranium assets. And in 2010 Bill Clinton collects $500,000 for a one-hour speech he delivered in Moscow, for a Kremlin-controlled investment bank (Renaissance Capital) populated by former Russian intelligence agents with close ties to Putin. And like that, half of projected American uranium production was transferred to a private company controlled by the Russian State Nuclear Agency. During all this time, CNN, NYT and other FakeNews outlets have been arguing against transparency and journalism, burying the story, and calling it all a crazy right wing conspiracy. Nothing to see here.

2003.04.10 Tools of the Tyrant - 🔥 Only after the fall of Baghdad, on-air and in an Op-Ed titled, "The News We Kept to Ourselves", CNN's exec-in-charge admit (Eason Jordan) admitted to having suppressed from the public the truth about Saddam being a murderous tyrant, in order to keep CNN's access to Iraq. Isn't lying and working for the enemy of the U.S. and against American or the world's interests, what defines traitors? It certainly isn't journalism.

1998.06.07 Tailwind - CNN/Time Magazine Falsely Reports the U.S. military used nerve gas in a mission to kill American defectors in Laos during the Vietnam War -- head of CNN’s military affairs (Perry Smith) resigned in protest of their own reporting, and CNN had to offer a 54 page retraction about everything they got wrong.

1996.07.27 Richard Jewell - CNN regurgitated NBC (Tom Brokaw) misnaming "Jewel was a person of interest in the Atlanta Olympic Bombing". Jewell sued, and they eventually settled (for $500K) in the libel and slander suit. But that's what fake news looks like -- getting so far ahead of the story that you're no longer in sight of the truth.

1996 Andrew Dice Clay Ambush - I don't know if they were trying to ambush him with something, or just be incompetent, but the comedian lost it, used obscenities, and walked off over their insulting incompetence. He obviously felt they got him there over false pretenses and insulted him.

1991.01.23 Milk Factory Bombing - During the first Gulf War, Americans bombed a Chemical Arms Site, while CNN's Peter Arnett called it a baby formula factory. Why? Because it had a hastily painted sign (in English) that said so, and the Iraqi's took him there, and told him it was. The U.S. and UN military asked why a milk factory had barbed wire, a military garrison with guards, and multiple sources claimed it was used for biological or chemical weapons production? No matter who is right, the fact that Arnett did not offer that context/counter-balance, proves they were FakeNews: more interested in regurgitating Iraqi claims, than sharing the American ones.

CNN despises all conservative candidates -- but they had a special hate for Trump, from before he even announced or won the primary. They wanted him to run and be the front-runner, because they were so blinded by their own hate, that they thought it was a slam-dunk. They could exaggerate the worst things he said, and since their audience/rubes would buy it, they thought the nation would too. But their lack of understanding about the "Fly-Over Country" (non-coast elites) left them blind-sided when he won. And then after that, they were unconsolable, bitter, and spun every story from the far left "How is this guy in office" point of view -- which meant the only moderates or right leaning folks that watched, did so for comedy relief. We may not drink from the skulls of our enemies any more, but we can still get enjoyment hearing the lamentation of their women (by watching CNN's caterwauling).

So CNN is comedy relief from day-to-day life, for the right. They have gotten almost every major theme they posted about Donald Trump, Russiagate, the Election, James Comey, Impeachment, and various "scandals" since Trump won, wrong. Some laughably so.

Examples include: 42 items
Racist attack on The Squad -
Trump insults the fab-4 of Anti-Americanism: the far left progressive caucus that's going to get him re-elected. His quip against their (freshmen Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley) constant dishonest rants about how bad America is, and how great everywhere else is, is the age old comment, "you should go fix there first", only he added "and then come back and show us how it's done". Idiots like AOC pretended that this was about race and that Trump didn't know where they were from and was telling all people of her kind to get out. It was more personal/targeted than that. FakeNews outlets like CNN propagated the lie in their headline and omitted key context. But anyone who read his tweets knew better, which is why CNN intentionally didn't link to the source. CNN's pundits made the same claim about Melania, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (before and after Trump): proving either CNN is racist, or this kind of attack is normal fare in politics and on CNN. Only when Republicans do it, it's racist. Pelosi escalated to try to create a resolution condemning these xenophobic tweets (rolls eyes), this is all to cover for the anti-American sentiments of the freshman democrats.

Lysolgate -
After a COVID briefing on how to kill COVID w/UV light and disinfectants, Trump made a passing comment to the presenter about using these ideas in vitro (in the body). That was all. The Press lost their nut, and was claiming he's trying to get people to breathe drain cleaner or shoot Lysol into their veins or something. You can't make this up.
  1. The idea of using UV light or disinfectants in the body is the basis for much of medicine like Chemotherapy, blood scrubbing, and UV blood treatment was studied for SARS.
  2. As Scott Adams put it, how stupid do you have to be to (a) not know that (b) think the President suggested people go out and mainline Lysol, like they reported? Or run with a story before asking what he meant, and so on.
  3. They started piling FakeNews on top of this FakeNews, by pretending that there was a spike in poisonings because of this statement. Yes, poisonings were up year-over-year, but not week-over-week or day-over-day. Ever since the lockdown, poisonings had been up. Which is a statement against the lockdown, but the Press screwed that angle up (by not noticing or mentioning it).

CNN Tapes - James O'Keefe (of investigative journalist site Project Veritas) asked CNN President (Jeff Zucker) some questions on their weekly call, like how do they call themselves news when they worked to suppress and spin facts that didn't further their agenda? O'Keefe mentioned they he had been secretly taping their calls for months (during the pre-election coverage) and was going to release those tapes. Instead of answering, CNN panicked, hung up, and said they'd changed the call process to prevent transparency in the future. They also threatened lawsuit, because after they released secret tapes of the First Lady, suddenly when that was turned back on them, they felt that investigative journalism, whistleblowing and speaking truth to power was a crime. So the tapes were released and we got the leadership conspiring on tape to do the following:
  • Jeff Zucker admitting that the network is pushing the agenda of the Democrat Party by making all their news completely “impeachment” focused (and he was fine wiht that).
  • After Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19, inventing the narrative that Trump was "acting erratically"
  • They should stop being friendly towards and be more caustic in attacking Sen. Lindsey Graham (in order to swing an election against him)
  • They should pretend that Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson is a White Supremacist (based on no evidence)
  • They should continue to suppress the Hunter Biden tapes story
  • Conspiring on how to help Joe Biden with Miami Cubans (by downplaying his pro-Socialist/Communist statements).

Alabamagate - (This is also called Sharpiegate, but is much broader than that). Anatomy of FakeNews would look like this:
  • Trump tweeted on Sunday (Sept 1st) to be careful, and God Bless everyone, be sure to evacuate, and warned that because Hurricane Dorian was cat 5, and could hit the states hard (including Alabama as the last of the 5 states mentioned). Then went on with his logorrhea about the economy and a dozen other things.
  • A never Trump'er at the National Weather Service tweeted that no effects would be felt in Alabama as the storm was going to stay east.
  • The DNC media, trying to cover for Biden (or other DNC) Gaffes or the embarrassing 7 hour Climate battle of the dimwits (infomercial for the uninformed) that CNN was running, decided to invent the FakeStory that Alabama was never on the threatened list for the cone, and that Trump was an idiot for tweeting that, since the storm had stalled and was turning away. CNN even did a dishonest map where they mislabelled Alabama as Mississippi.
  • Trump doesn't let the media revise the truth about him... so after 4 days of FakeNews (Wed), he did a little mini-News Conference, where his people had created charts and checked the facts, and it showed the original track of the Hurricane and where broader effects would be felt.

2019.08.23 Amazon Forest Fires -
Terra Indígena Porquinhos, Maranhão (38928905194).jpg
The fires in the Amazon this year (2019) are nothing exceptional (2004 was like peak deforestation and we're down like 80% from then), and most of it is farm land and not forest that's being burned. (Normal crop burns, with a few getting a little out of control). But CNN and Hollywood got to use the Global Warming scare mongering, often using old photos from back in 2004, or even this was Trump's fault: seriously (idiots). It's a catastrophe don't you know? "Over 20% of the world's Oxygen comes from there. We need to fix this NOW" For those with a clue? They're idiots. If we burned the entire biomass of the earth less than 1% of the world’s oxygen would be consumed... most of our oxygen is collected over millions of years, most of the rest comes from water based photosynthesis, and we don't need to worry about a lack of Oxygen. So this is just this years chicken-little alar or Ozone hole scare. }}

2019.03.22 Mueller Report.png
2019.03.22 Mueller Report - The Mueller Report is out. I don't care if you like/dislike President Trump, I care whether people will defend the truth or perpetuate a lie. Soon we will be able to read the full report, but the summary is a smackdown: (a) there was no hint at collusion by Trump or his team, in fact they rebuffed attempts by the Russians. (b) without collusion there couldn't have been obstruction, but even if there had been, Trump wasn't close to obstruction (c) the media narrative has been a fraud (d) the media wasted 2,284 minutes, and 533,074 articles (245 million responses) to coverage of the fake narrative. The media doesn't admit their mistake and apologize to Trump and the public are not journalists following the facts, but polemics mad that someone shined the light of truth on their deception. And right on cue, a bunch of FakeNews, Democrat politicians, and Hollywood sheep try to spin this as it, "stops short of exonerating on obstruction", or shifting the narrative to Mueller's competence, Trump's guilt on something else, or anything other than their 2-year fraud. But all the outlets that championed it as the end of Trump, or shown for frauds. Expecially when they won't just apologize.

2019.01.20 Covington Catholic High School - 💩The New York Times published an article “Boys in ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats Mob Native American Elder at Indigenous People’s March,” and many other outlets (CNN, WaPo, etc), piled on without verifying. OrangeMan is so bad, that just wearing his hat makes you a racist. Only, the details leaked out that it was the Catholic teens minding their own business (on a class trip) when the Native American demonstrator/activist (Nathan Phillips: not a Vietnam War Veteran as WaPo and other claimed) marched up, beat drums, push into center of student group, call teens names, and then accused the kids of surrounding him and saying racist things, all false.

2019.01.17 Impeachment - Buzzfeed released an article that said Trump had ordered his Attorney (Michael Cohen) to lie to investigators, which set off the Democrats impeachment Tourettes again. ("Get the noose!") Nevermind that: it was implausible, from an unreliable author and publication, with anonymous sources, and made no sense -- the left and their media was all over it, and Congress was already demanding an investigations: which forced Mueller to release an unprecedented statement (during an investigation), that said the story was bullshit. And the left-press was crestfallen over the truth.

2018.07.31 Avoiding Reporters - The media rightly accuses Trump of being an attention hound. Since "he's damned either way", Jeff Zeleny (WH Reporter for CNN), tweeted Trump had not taken questions from reporters in at least a week. (Something they never complained about under Obama). Then the facts/corrections came out that Trump had done a press conference (with Q&A) the day before. No retraction, apology or consequences for the mistake. This is CNN.

2018.06.06 Melania Conspiracy Theories - Where's Melania? After undergoing kidney surgery, Mrs. Trump took a month off of public events. CNN fed the fire with stories about how, "she hasn't been seen in 24 days", "Where's Melania", on the station, twitter and in newsletters, and propagated FakeNews about her "plastic surgery", "she left him" or "moved back to NYC". Their defense was they were just repeating what they read on Twitter, as if that's where their journalistic line is drawn.

2017.12.08 Trump Jr. (Wikileaks) - CNN (Manu Raju) had a "bombshell" report that Donald Trump Jr. had early, secret early access to hacked DNC emails from WikiLeaks, 9 days before they were public. It turned out wrong: he only had access to the info the day after Wikileaks went public and no special access had been given. CNN eventually quietly revised their story, but never apologized or admitted how they got the dates wrong.

2017.11.06 Japan fish-feeding frenzy - CNN got caught deceptively editing a reel to make it look like Trump made a fish feeding blunder by dumping the box of food in the Koi pond, and turned it into a big story... after omitting that PM Abe did the same thing first. Then they deceptively edited a joke on where the Japanese should build more cars in America (they played it as if he didn't know they already did). CNN's author did later issue a correction for the second FakeNews fabrication of the day.

2017.10.19 Weinstein is Trump's fault - Seriously, CNN blames Trump for Harvey Weinstein. After CNN buries 24 other sexual scandals by Democrats, and there were hundreds more, as you can see in my Gropegate list, the single biggest factor on whether CNN will cover it or bury it, is whether there's an (R) or (D) after the persons name. And even when it's obviously a Democrat, they try to think of excuses why that's really the Republicans fault.

2017.09 Hurricane Maria - While the FEMA preparation and response to Hurricane Maria was fantastic, but the Democrat controlled Island Government failed to distribute those supplies, turning a disaster into a catastrophe. While Puerto Rico’s own governor, Ricardo Rosselló, was praising Trump’s attention and response to Hurricane Maria, CNN was spinning FakeNews as this was Trump’s ‘Katrina', (and kept beating on that meme for a year)... trying desperately to point blame towards the President for the failure of Democrat controlled Puerto Rican infrastructure. (Texas and Florida had no such problems, despite similar hits).

2017.06.16 only Democrats prayed for Scalise - After Bernie Sander supporter and left wing activist (James T. Hodgkinson) shot Republican Steve Scalise practicing baseball, CNN misreported that (a) Trump had not visited Scalise: he had. (b) only Democrats prayed for Scalise and his recovery: it was both teams. (c) I'm not even getting into all the omitted/erroneous details on Hodgkinson's background or motives, and getting gun details wrong (including in this case). All of which is tweeted/retweeted as fact, by the gullible.

2017.06.13 Cillizza FakeNews fiasco - After mocking leftist (CNN) Trump conspiracy theories, Chris Cillizza joins CNN's ranks, and reverses course. He whines about Trump's accusations of FakeNews with a challenge to offer specific examples... which results in a tidal-wave (thousands) of twitter responses (2,400+ examples).

2017.06.06 Trump was under Investigation - CNN's argument for 3+ month had been that Trump would be impeached for Obstruction of Justice, because he fired Comey, over Comey not stopping an investigation. That's at least 3 pieces of FakeNews in one:
  • 🔥 CNN claimed Comey is going to testify that Trump lied ("multiple times") when claiming that Comey told him "he wasn't under investigation". Comey instead confirms Trump's version (Trump was not under investigation). CNN forced to retract.
  • 🔥 This crushes CNN's claims that Trump fired Comey because he wouldn't stop the investigation, if there was no investigation then he couldn't have fired Comey over it.
  • 🔥 This also crushes CNN's claims that Trump firing Comey was obstruction. No investigation = No obstruction!

2017.06.06 Reza Aslan firing - CNN said they should be viewed as “the one nonpartisan cable news network"... which backlashed, when (after a year of prior obvious bias and slander) people used that claim to force them to reluctantly prove it and fire Reza Aslan (their "religious scholar") after he called Trump a piece of shit. This happened right after one of their favorite contributors (Kathy Griffen) beheaded the President in effigy, so the optics were too bad to sweep it under the rug.

2017.05.25 NATO - Trump criticized NATO (as he has during his campaign) for bearing the brunt of NATO costs (true), and intimidates them into living up to their obligations and coming up with more money. The leftists, their Press and their fact checkers all pretend this is end of days and proof that:
    • Demanding more defense spending (against Russia) makes him a puppet of Russia.
    • That him claiming the U.S. pays 70-90% of NATO is a lie. It's true... depending on what you mean.
    • He "shoved" Montenegro Prime Minister.
    • That he's alienating our allies and going to break up NATO.
    • A year+ later, the head of NATO admits that his tough talk got NATO contributions up by over $100B, and it is stronger than ever, thanks to Trump.

2017.05.11 Trump to fire Spicer - Starting in May, CNN was saying they had great information that Sean Spicer was out and going to be fired by Trump (any day). He wasn't. Spicer was unhappy about the appointment of Scaramucci, and at the end of July he resigned, while Trump asked Spicer to stay, and he did until August. This was the opposite of what CNN had been saying.

2017.05.04 Rape and Violence - CNN Says Trump changes to ACA will make Rape and Domestic Violence a Pre-Existing Condition. Even left of center PolitiFact, had to admit that one was FakeNews, "the bill does not change what is or is not a pre-existing condition; the health insurance companies write those definitions for themselves". No correction from CNN.

2017.05 James Comey Firing - For 6 months the media and Democrats had demanded the firing of James Comey. Trump waited until an FBI report cited evidence of gross misconduct, and then the AG fired Comey after consulting with Trump. The Democrats and their Media (NYT, WaPo, Politico, CNN, MSNBC), switched sides and screamed that this was illegal, obstruction of justice, proof of Russia collusion, and other things that were all later debunked.

2017.04.21 Carter Page Colluded with Russia - CNN claimed many times that Carter Paige colluded with Russia (wrt Trump Campaign), and spread the myth amongst their viewers for a year. It turns out that Carter Page was a victim of Obama Administration using National Intelligence to lie to federal judges, to spy on the Trump campaign during an election. After tapping his phones and so on, nobody has been able to find anything to tie him to Russian collusion.

2017.04.11 Spicer: Hitler didn't use chemical weapons - Sean Spicer (WhiteHouse Press Secretary) while talking about Assad (Syria) use of chemical weapons, misspoke (said something completely true but inartfully worded) and corrected himself (clarified that "as a tool of war" and not talking about gassing civilians) and apologized all in the same news-conference. Far left outfits like CNN, CBS, MSNBC, Snopes, Politifact, all ignored the correction/clarification and used the gaff as a way to attack Spicer and Trump, and spin a non-story into evidence of why they were a bad administration. They also ignored many cases where others on the left had said the same truth. Lies of omission, and sensationalism, are evidence of propaganda/FakeNews.

2017.02.24 Shut-out over facts - CNN whines (after getting shut out of a Press event after running the Fake Dossier) that it was retaliation because "this is how they retaliate when 'you report facts they don't like'. We'll keep reporting regardless". There's at least 4 pieces of FakeNews in that one line:
  • 🔥 the Dossier wasn't "facts" it was lies (debunked): germaphobes aren't into watersports you morons
  • 🔥 thus if they were shut out of over the Dossier, it wasn't because they told "facts", it was because they repeated a lie (and refused to correct it)
  • 🔥 They weren't shut-out over just the Dossier, but over: Dossier, Russia, and dozens of other FakeNews stories listed in this section.
  • 🔥 At the same time, Project Veritas showed a senior CNN producer (John Bonifield), admitting the whole Russia meme was bullshit, they had no evidence, and they'd been on a witchhunt, and they knew it was a lie all along: just like the President said. .
  • 🔥 CNN had to fire 3 people and pull more off the Russia fraud and FakeCollusion (a couple months later). But they never corrected, clarified or apologized for the prior year of misreporting. That would be too much like journalism.

2017.02.15 Russian Contact - CNN repeatedly claimed Trump had "constant contact" with Russians during campaign. Only Trump didn't appear to have any direct contact. And it is normal for their campaigns to have some, but Trump's had less than normal and certainly less than Hillary's campaign (with the Steel Dossier). And many investigations have not found anything to hint that he colluded with the Russians to fix a campaign. Or that the Russians did anything to successfully change the outcome of our election.

2017.02.10 Akie Abe - FakeNews story that Melania Trump blew off Akie Abe (Japan PM's wife) during the PM's visit. Photos show Donald and Melania with her at the time. No apology or retraction.

2017.02 Trumps ExecOrder cause a Woman's Death - CNN's Erol Lewis pushed a false story that Trump’s Executive Immigration Order caused Michigan Woman’s Death, after the story had already been disproven. If they retracted and apologized, they might not be known as FakeNews.

2017.01.31 Hardiman Decoy - CNN falsely Claims Trump Brought Judge Neil Hardiman to DC (and setup a fake twitter account) as Supreme Court Nominee ‘Decoy’, and that's why they were mistaken. Hardiman wasn't in town, wasn't a decoy, it wasn't his twitter account, and if they fact checked, they'd have known that.

2017.01.23 Wall of Sacrifice - CNN (Jim Sciutto) insisted Donald Trump didn’t “say anything” about the CIA's wall of sacrifice behind him during his speech to employees at the Central Intelligence Agency - proven false.

2017.01.20 Nancy Sinatra - Nancy tweeted a joke about her late father’s song “My Way,” being used at Trump’s Inauguration. She tweeted, "just remember the first line of the song", which is, “And now, the end is near.” CNN used that to invent a FakeNews story that she was “not happy” about Trump using her father’s song at the Inauguration. To which she replied, "That’s not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN? What a rotten spin to put on a harmless joke.”

2017.01.10 Fake Dossier - Most media outlets (besides BuzzFeed) avoided the salacious Steele (Pee Pee) Dossier. But once it ran, plenty (NYT, CNN/Evan Perez, MSNBC, NBC, etc), republished it and/or jumped on board to talk about it, and not refute its abusrdity, or clarify its provenance as a dirty/corrupt election trick (created by the DNC) and used to get illegal warrants and undermine our democracy. Instead CNN/BuzzFeed used it to infer that Trump had Russian ties (collusion), or was compromised and other FakeNews.

2017 Republicans funded the Dossier - If you heard that Republicans funded the Steele "Pee Pee" Dossier, you're a victim of FakeNews. Many Democrat operatives are guilty of repeating the lie: New York Magazine (Jonathan Chait), CNN (Brian Fallon), MSNBC’s (Velshi & Ruhle and Rachel Maddow), NBC (Christina Ginn), AP, New York Times, even James Comey. AP issued a correction, NYT clarified in later articles, but most others let the lie/confusion stand, or underplayed the truth: that it was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign, and used to get illegal warrants and put a paid spy in the Trump campaign.

2017 Obama Wiretapping - In March, CNN and other far-left outlets denounced Trumps claim that Obama had wiretapped phones in Trump Tower as a “flat-out lie.” (Despite the fact that Trump was quoting the NYT on that). By September they admitted that Carter Page and Paul Manafort were both wiretapped (while in Trump Tower). Not only don't they offer a retraction/apology, they still mock the idea that there was wiretapping, long after they admitted that it was proven true.

2017 More Comey Fakes - Beside the debunked FakeNews Trump under Investigation, or Comey Firing tropes. There were these sub-claims that were all debunked as well:
  • 🔥 CNN claimed Comey wasn't granted more resources for investigation: False
  • 🔥 Trump is going to live tweet during Comey hearing: False
  • 🔥 Comey is a Boy Scout and apolitical: False
  • 🔥 Trump fired Comey over investigation (the Dossier was getting close), not for incompetence or violation of ethics: the FBI's report showed that was False.

2017 Melania - Double-standards are FakeNews. Compare how CNN, NYT, and other media outlets fawned over Michelle Obama (or Jackie O) and her ugly fashion sense. While they snub or the only time they comment on Melania (the best looking and best dressed of our First Ladies ever), is to question her fashion choices.

2017 - 17 Intelligence Agencies - The Hillary Campaign Talking Point was that "17 intelligence agencies" agreed that Russians had hacked the election. The NYT printed it and CNN repeated it for years. James Clapper admitted in front of congress that was bullshit and that he only had 3 (or 4) agencies under his purview, and that 2 of them had disagreed until pressured. CNN repeated it long after it was debunked, and never retracted or corrected the record, which is why their viewers still think it's true. NYT and others at least offered corrected versions later.

2016.11.08 Trump Loses - "Trump has no path to 270 - he can't win", "This race is over!", "Hillary has >90% chance of winning." -- CNN, WaPo and others were wrong on everything. Not only that he could win, but which states and groups he'd carry.

2016.10.24 Stock Market Crash - CNN predicts a Trump win will crash stock markets 10-15%, but a Clinton win would be great. The stock market responded to a Trump win by leaping upward, and continued to break records for a couple years, before having a normal correction. In fact, it when ABC spread Fake rumors of Trump's tax plan getting blocked, the market did panic (not the other way around). The point is not that CNN is often wrong (they are), but they sound more like DNC than news.

2016.06 Anthony Scaramucci - CNN published a story (based on one anonymous source), claiming Anthony Scaramucci was being investigated by the Senate into the Russian Direct Investment Fund. They had to retract it, and admit it wasn't up to their editorial standards, and three reporters had to resign. It's like Journalism, without the standards.

2016- Russia Trump-Collusion FakeNews Fiasco - 🔥 CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC and all the left leaning media has been promoting this FakeNews Fraud that there was Trump-Russia Collusion, that collusion is a crime (it isn't or Carter, Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Obama would all be in prison).
    • The FBI/CIA and finally James Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee that the New York Times (and other reports) that accused Trump associates of “repeated contacts with Russian intelligence” was “almost entirely wrong" or “just dead wrong". There's no evidence of Trump collusion. For over a year the media still reports/misreports the Russian collusion: CNN and others still quoting from the debunked NYT report.
    • While the FakeNews was harping on the issue for a year, the only real evidence of collusion was of the Hillary campaign and DNC paying for the Fake Dossier (what real collusion looks like), the FakeNews outlets ignored it (lie of omission).
    • Finally, it ended with 3 of CNN's reporters getting fired. But no apology or correction issued for the prior year of FakeNews.

1990.03.29 Mic Drop - When CNN does ambush journalism, Trump drops the microphone and walks off. They of course edited up this clip, so you can't see the entire context, as part of their "journalism". Same old CNN.

CNN Gun Control -
For 38 years, there have been many, many bad shows that demonstrated CNN's anti-liberty (Anti-2A) biases, and their lack of competent fact checkers. Piers Morgan deserves special mention as a gun-incompetent expert for CNN, regularly getting schooled by guests. Everyone makes mistakes. But the example image shows a screen cap with the kind of consistently bad slop that comes to define CNN when it comes to guns. I have yet to see CNN gun-reporting that wasn't mockworthy. Some examples:
  • They don't even know the difference between caliber and millimeter (pretty basic stuff).
  • 0.223mm is about 1/128th of an inch. It is either a .223 Caliber (how much of an inch across it is), or it's a 5.56mm.
  • They also got wrong 0.9mm (9mm) and .22mm long rifle (22LR).
  • I think they only tried to add the "long rifle" because it sounded "scary". In truth, the 22LR is the weakest common rifle or pistol round you can get. (Though the .22 short was first created in 1857 for kids to learn to shoot paper with).
  • To give you a sense of scale on 2,000 rounds: boxes are 50-100 rounds, bulk is 500-1,000 rounds (5-10 boxes). The average person shoots a few boxes every time they practice. So this maniac had enough ammo to go shooting 3 or 4 times with each gun. In Texas or Arkansas upon hearing of that stockpile, their first thought would be, "Bubba's running bone dry on ammo".

That isn't the first time they've been stupid or dishonest about guns. Including:

  • 2018.05.18 Jim Sciutto and Sara Murray both tweeted how we had 22 school shootings so far this year, using Everytown for Gun Safety's long discredited fake methodology.
  • 2018.02.27 In a FakeNews story trying to sensationalize how dangerous an AR-15 is, they got some dingleberry General to do/say everything wrong in firing it, and totally fuck up the "facts", like "Full Semi-Automatic". Their "report" became a meme mocked by anyone who knows the basics of guns.
  • 2018.03.21 They invite every far left anti-Gun parkland teen to pontificate on ideas beyond their intellectual carry capacity, but refuse to invite a single conservative teen on (they're too informed). They finally, invite one, to preserve the sham of being a news site, but quickly disinvite him for a retweet about one of their sports commentators. It's almost like they were looking for an excuse to avoid letting the other side on.
  • 2018.02.21 A story CNN was pumping about a school shooting survivor, just happens to have a mom who was a CNN VIP (and they never disclosed that).
  • 2018.02.21 CNN's Chris Cuomo posts false story about being able to buy a gun without proper ID or background check. Lies about it. Refuses to apologize. None demanded by CNN.
  • 2018.02.06 - Parkland Lies: after Parkland shooting, CNN media reporter Brian Stelter attacked Republicans for being "scared" to come on CNN and debate gun control. Chris Cuomo specifically called out Ted Cruz for not rising to the challenge. Ted Cruz had done a 15 minute interview earlier that day, and they aired none of it, because he made them look stupid. (Which isn't hard).

So we have an example of CNN tarting up their slides (Click-bait), being obviously biased, getting fundamental facts wrong, not doing quality work or having competent fact checkers with a basic clue about guns. So this little example sums up CNN on Guns for the last 38 years: you get dumber watching them.


Meme's aren't facts, just jabs -- but they can show a trend towards how people feel about an organization. The reader can decide if they're fair are not, but I did laugh at a few of them.

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Weijia Jiang
CBS FakeJournalist Weijia Jiang (the female Jim Acosta) tries to make every story about her, and has a record of lying to get attention. Examples include claiming: Trump used the n-word on tape, someone in the Trump administration called the coronavirus the “kung flu” to her face. During a press conference claimed that Trump had botched testing so he could open up the economy (which wasn't about lives or jobs lost, depression, suicides, etc), in response to why the lives were being lost Trump retorted, "ask China" -- and She pretended he'd only said that because she was Chinese. Even other left wing reporters (except CNN who ran with the lie) admitted Weijia was out of line.
Reza Aslan
Reza Aslan was such a hostile anti-Trump'er, that CNN had to fire him, or lose the last pretense of objectivity. In the end they did both.
Jim Acosta
Jim Acosta is to "journalism" what Hitler was to comedy: the grandstanding douchebag making himself into the story through obscene antics, and being wrong in virtually everything he does. When the President said "next" and tried to move on. Acosta decided to "lay hands" on a WhiteHouse intern, and physically prevent her from doing her job - which is handing the microphone to the next person. For that he got his White House credentials suspended, and the left proved their insanity by whining that this was an intrusions on the first amendment or a Free Press. Words mean things, and they don't mean what the left seems to think they do.
Jennifer Barringer
(forensic expert) embarrassed herself on multiple times (Tru TV, Fox News, HLN, CBS and CNN) with absurd gun claims like "you can guns at grocery stores in Texas", "Ban scopes", "you can add adapters to make the rifle shoot faster", "your bullet doesn't have to be ejected between shots", and so on.
Jared Lee Loughner
FakeNews Media (CNN, NYT, etc.) and the Democrats blamed Republicans (Sarah Palin) for a political ad with crosshairs target the district, for the shooting. Something Democrats had run multiple times as well. It came out that Loughner had never seen the ad, oh and he was a fan of Karl Marx, conspiracy theories, and far left political views. Also a known drug and alcohol abuser, sent letter threatening to assassinate Gifford. Stopped by Joseph Zamudio a CCW holder. For years, the media continued to blame Republicans/Sarah Palin after admitting the facts in other places. Palin sued NYT, but lost because NYT successfully used incompetence as a defense. (Their own editors and fact checkers couldn't be expected to read their own paper and know the facts).
Eason Jordan
CNN Director Eason Jordon was forced to resign after falsely claiming the U.S. (and Iraq) were intentionally targeting innocents and journalists in Iraq.
Donna Brazile
A long time CNN employee and vile DNC operative, that rigged the 2016 election by leaking debate questions (in advance of the debate) to the Hillary campaign, then lied about it. For some reason CNN and the Democrats have had zero interest in prosecuting that election tampering. What could be more un-American than subverting Democracy (or covering it up)? The DNC kept her as their head for many months after discovering it.
Chris Cuomo
Chris Cuomo, socialist son of Mario Cuomo (52nd Governor of New York) and brother of Andrew Cuomo (56th Governor of NY). Whatever problem this under-achievers genes won't get him into, his mouth will. He's known for claiming "hate speech" is unprotected by the First Amendment, and other such silliness. Without the chops to teach civics in Jr. High School, he's one of CNN's top anchors.


During a brief uptick in CNN during the election, the President of CNN (Jeff Zucker) once slipped and admitted the truth (by accident I assume), and said, “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal,”. Ya think? [1] Of course he was implying it was going to be different now, right before they went off the cliff to the left.

Some will decry that many were just "honest mistakes", (and a few of them were actually corrected). But seriously, how many times can they make the same mistakes, with front page sensationalism and back page retractions, and that they virtually all skew one way (for Democrats or against Republicans), before we see a pattern of malfeasance?

While I don't expect mere evidence to change an ideologues mind's, my small sampling of FakeNews will at least convince the reasonable that there's some valid reasons why "the other side" might have grievances. Those that can't, can be written off as unreasonable (they won't let facts get in the way of their emotions): and thus, I know they're not worth listening to.


📚 References
