Bill Clinton

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Ahh, a cute dog (bitch) diving for your crotch, let's call her Monica.
There's an argument to be made that Hillary isn't responsible for her husband, and to a point that's true. But who you hang around with, are attracted to (and attract), let alone marry and stay married to, also says something about you. So you can't completely separate the Clintons. And while Bill Clinton has had books written about his corruption and bad behavior, certainly things like Bill's dozen or so adventures on pedophile island (riding the Lolita express with Jeffrey Epstein), or Mena scandal, all seem like fair game. Hillary either knowingly looks the other way, or is a blind idiot that shouldn't be in charge of a seating chart. It is hard to argue that she's competent yet unaware, or aware and a moral person.

Examples: Bill Clinton : 2 items

1996 Bill Clinton quid pro quo - Bill tried to quid pro quo deal with Russian President Boris Yeltsin by sending a memo that he would give Yeltsin "positive" U.S. policies toward Russia, *if* Yeltsin's cleared up the poultry dispute... since 40% of chicken comes from Arkansas (and would help him with donors and the election).

Bill Clinton and Welfare - Bill Clinton fought the Republican Congress's plans to reform Welfare (including means testing, and time limits). Leftist sources predicted blight and ruination for all the poor souls dependent on welfare. Instead, many got off, and things got better. So Obama did his best to reverse the gains and increase the dependency class.


📚 References

Issues:   2nd Amendment - Hillarycare - It takes a Village - SecState

Ethics:   Alinsky - Watergate - Whitewater - Troopergate - IRS-gate - Filegate - Associates - Huma & Weinergate - Bill - Chelsea - Pardongate - Vandals - Benghazi - Emailgate - Liar

Greed:   Cattlegate - Travelgate - Chinagate - Lincolngate - Lootergate (2001) - Lootergate (2012) - Giftgate - Clinton Foundation

Gasslighting:   Go-Away - Rape Victim - Bimbo squad - Birthers - Russian Hackers - Nuclear Response Time - Quotes