COVID Study - Colorado

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United Biomedical collaborating with the local Department of Health in San Miguel County, Colorado and tested all 8,000 residents - the preliminary results was that ≈3% of the population had been exposed, in one of the least densely packed counties in the nation. Projecting that out to the nation would imply 2.6 - 10M total cases, instead of the 418K that is reported (the reported numbers are off by 6-24x). This would push the CFR (Fatality Rate) down to 0.1-0.5% or 1/34th of the reported numbers.


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COVID Studies
Antibody tests are proving that continuing lockdown is senseless, and that we are completely being lied to about the denominator (how many total cases there are), which inflates the death rate and scares people unnecessarily. Examples: COVID Monkey Study Boston China Diamond Princess Germany Iceland L.A. Massachusetts Miami Netherlands NY Santa Clara Theodore Roosevelt Washington