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Bloomberg is a privately held financial, software, data, and media company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, founded by Michael Bloomberg in 1981.

Fake News

FakeNews (Junk News or yellow journalism) is when legitimate stories or facts are suppressed, journalistic standards aren't adhered to, half truths are told, or a narrative spun to where the story becomes misleading or false. Think: manufactured crises, hoaxes, clickbait (sensational teasers/headlines with buried facts), bias or selective fact-checking, anonymous or paid sources, minor stories obscuring more significant news, delaying or ignoring newsworthy events, are all forms of FakeNews. Most retractions or corrections are evidence of shoddy standards and/or editorial bias creating FakeNews. Here's a few of Bloomberg's greatest hits:

  • Wikileaks Quid Pro Quo - A few FakeNews outlets like The Daily Beast, Sky News, Bloomberg and CNBC claimed that "Trump (through Dana Rohrabacher as the intermediary) offered WikiLeaks' Julian Assange a pardon... if he covered up Russian hacking of Democrats, his lawyer tells court in the U.K."... only the meeting happened 10 months AFTER Assange had stated multiple times that "he was 1000% sure the Russians" weren't his source, the Trump administration denied it, and Assange's lawyer that informed Gen. Kelly that "Assange would provide information about the purloined DNC emails in exchange for a pardon," but he never heard back from the White House (not the other way around). So instead of a scandal, it exonerates Trump as behaving better than Democrats (who did reach out to Russians over potential oppo-research / dirt). But other than getting the story bass-backwards, and failing to correct it (or correct it slowly), good job.
  • 2019.10.27 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi -
    The founder of ISIS, terrorist, rapist and murderer died by blowing himself up (and the children with him) as U.S. special forces were closing in. The leftstream media fucked up this victory as much possible:
  • Washington Post (Bezos Blog) reported it with the headline, "Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48" This generated a twitter storm (#WaPoDeathNotices) of mocking. Like, "Mohamed Atta, skilled aviator and leader of men, dies at 33.", and hundreds of other like examples of downplaying enemies of the U.S. and freedom. WaPo modified their headline, a couple of times, to settle on, "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, extremist leader of Islamic State, dies at 48."... which was a little better, but still had this "austere religious scholar" bullshit in the article, and showed how much they were downplaying the victory by the Trump administration by ending him.
  • MSNBC, took ISIS's side claiming this would help ISIS, and that it shows how bad Trump is.
  • NBC criticized Trump for "taking a victory lap" (unlike Obama, who did 30 laps when he finally got Bin Laden), and screwed up their SNL skit mocking Trump for supporting ISIS (as news of this was leaking out)
  • CNN put on discredited perjurer James Clapper to criticize the action and Trump.
  • NYT (and others) were outraged that Trump wouldn't inform the leakers and terrorist supporters in the DNC (Pelosi/Schiff) in advance of the raid. (While if it had leaked, and he'd gotten away because of it, they would have criticized the President for botching it). They also said this had nothing to do with his foreign policy, despite it obviously having to do with it.
  • Obama Photographer (Pete Souza) suggests Trump Situation Room Photo was doctored/made-up and not taken during the Baghdadi Raid -- and a bunch of leftwing sources jumped on that and retweeted it. It was shown that he was wrong and can't do time zones, but only after the damage was done and rubes on the left bought in.
  • 2018.07.06 MAVNI Military Recruits - đŸ’© The AP ran a grotesquely distorted story and headline, "US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits" and it was a poorly written article about how 40-500 immigrant enlisted had been let go, but it leaves all sort of implications that the Trump administration is persecuting minorities in the military. And of course the left was outraged and triggered (as always) and it was re-printed, re-linked, or a couple dozen OpEds came out, each more extreme than that last, about how this racist persecution of immigrants was hunting down good troops and throwing them out because Trump is a Nazi. Of course the truth is quite different, Trump reversed the Obama era program, and virtually none has retracted or corrected the Big Lie.
  • 2017.12.04 Trump Bank Records - Failing to learn of ABC's Flynn fiasco, only a few days earlier, Bloomberg broke a story (based on an anonymous source), that Trump's Deutsche Bank Records were subpoenaed by Mueller: the noose was closing. A few days later, admitted it was Trump, just people he might know. (WSJ had regurgitated the story, and also had to retract).