2020 Vote Ratios

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Ratios of votes do matter. But we can look at ratios with Clinton and Obama and know loosely how things are going to break down. When a voter dump, or some districts are coming in far, far exceeding historical norms, that's a blinking red flag that needs to be validated. When random mail ballots are exceeding the deepest blue areas in the past? The klaxons are going off. When Trump exceeds Obama with minorities in all other areas of the nation, except for where there are massive vote dumps in the middle of the night in swing states for Joe Biden (who locked up black people and is polling exceptionally low with minorities, especially blacks)? And those areas are renowned for voter corruption or kicking out vote watchers? Come on man, that needs to be validated.


📚 References

2020 Voter Fraud
This is a list of some of the questionable things going on with the 2020 Election vote. Some of these may get proven as just suspicious later, many may never be proven, but all are sketchy outliers that offer reasonable people a reason for concern. Evidence includes: ArizonaBenford's Law and MathBig Tech CensorshipCaliforniaCampaign Crowd SizeDead votesDemocrat ReactionDominionElection Fraud WitnessesGeorgiaHammer and ScorecardLate night vote spikesLawsuitsMichiganMinnesotaNevadaNorth CarolinaOutcomesPennsylvaniaPoll Observers blockedPolls disasterously wrongVindicationVirginiaWisconsin • It's not about this election, it's about all of them. If Democrats can get away with this, and suppress a reasonable investigation, then they will do it again. That will disenfranchise 70M+ voters who are getting cheated, or believe they are getting cheated, and that will tear the republic apart.