07 - Break Action
Here's a guy named Deuce putting 10 rounds in 10 seconds through a double barreled break-action shotgun: that's 60 rounds per minute for the gun controllers out there. There is no way you can charge him between reloads -- assuming he doesn't have a backup gun for those cases when someone tries. So we're going back to weapons first made in 1875, and still their rate of fire will be way too high for gun grabbers to handle. Most people hunker, run, or hide in a mass shooting -- so the kill rate is limited not by the mechanism used, but by the shooters ability to find people. This applies whether he's using a fully automatic assault rifle, or a break action shotgun.
Reload Times |
There's a fallacy amongst hoplophobes (gun phobics) that limiting magazines to 10 rounds will help against mass shooters, or that assault rifles are somehow unique. However:
Magazine limits, assault rifle bans, outlawing removable magazines, and so on, sound great to those who don't know any better, but is just an infuriating ineffective annoyance to gun owners. Each bad law like this, makes it harder to pass "good" laws, as the tolerance for any more legislation was been wasted dividing us, instead of making a real difference. more... |