Weather is the day-to-day, Climate is over dozens or thousands of years.
Any time someone points to a weather event (like California Wildfires, Hurricanes, and so on) and claims Climate Change, you can immediately write them off as a kook that either doesn't understand the Climate, or as a polemic that is trying to dupe the gullible leftists. Weather is what happens today, Climate is what happens over hundreds (or thousands) of years. While we get some anomalous years, the trends in Fires, Hurricanes, Floods, Snow, Droughts, Tornados has actually been DOWN (not up). This showing one event and claiming "Climate Change" and ignoring the trends, means they're a polemic, fraud, or both.
Weather isn't Climate
Weather : 2 items
Global Warming isn't California's problem with fires:
- The number of fires have gone down
- The dollars in damage may have gone up... but that's only because we have more people and more things of value (houses)
- Any size increase in fires can be traces to faux environmentalism (Green/Democrat/Left policies) like restricting logging, reducing clearing vegetation (fuel), and so on.
Instead of owning those mistakes, they want to blame: (a) Global Warming (b) Trump (c) make excuses like "we don't technically own all the land we manage/regulate" (d) spend 10x as much on electric car subsidies (or 100x as much on trains), as clearing dead trees. It's one thing to be foolish, it's another thing to do it with a megaphone.
The Climate scarists want to fear people into believe every natural disaster is not an act of God or chance, but because of plastic straws or mankind. The science doesn't back that up. Hurricanes (or Cyclones/Typhoons) have been trending down in size and intensity, and aren't caused by Global Warming anyways. They take a lot of conditions together to happen, and their size and intensity is based more on trade winds and things well beyond Climate Change's ability to control. So anyone that ties a Hurricane to Global Warming is either a retard or a polemic: they immediately set the bozo bit.